First, though, did you know that November is National Adoption Awareness month? Most of you probably didn't. But you should. And now you do.
-We plan 100% on adopting a child. It was the number one condition that I had in any relationship with anyone. I made sure as I was dating, even before B, that these guys knew it was a priority for me and that if they weren't on board with it then there was no reason in us being together.
-I think bumper stickers are tacky. I don't think window clings are tacky.
-I like facebook better than myspace in large part because I can type "face" with one hand, and then it predicts where I want to go and I never have to use my other hand.
-The only calendars I buy are the $1 desktop calendars from Target. I put them on my bulletin board to keep my work hours straight.
-I just bought a Schwinn bike computer for my bike. It tells basically all the things that a treadmill computer tells you: speed, distance, calories burned, etc. I like to know how far I go, so I never ride anywhere without a "mile" track. Now I can.
-Until this year, I had no idea what the crap "cyber monday" was. Or that the day before Thanksgiving was one of the "biggest party nights of the year." I must have lived under a rock.
-I hate coffee.
-I really don't like online shopping. I want to see something, test it's quality, and THEN make the decision to buy it. Pictures don't really do anything for me.
-The fact that my weekly work hours are unpredictable really gets on my nerves. Just over the past six weeks, they have been (in order): 10, 10, 12, 29, 14, 34. Really. Just pick an extreme.
-I've lately fallen in love with the name "Farrah." With zero relation to Farrah Faucet.
-Today I waited at the window of Gold Star Chili for my chilidog for 5 minutes. I was the only person in the drivethru line, they all knew I was sitting there since every one of them looked at me at one point, and none of them even opened the window and said "just a second." So I left and went to the Wendy's next store. I was through the line and with my food in less than 60 seconds there. I do not feel bad about it.
-I can't wait to make stained glass cookies, peanut butter candy, and a sugarplums this year. But first I'm making deviled eggs, because I missed them on Thanksgiving!
Oh, and this kid? She's freakin' awesome.