
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New, First, Prime and the like.

Well, I finally made the jump and decided to start my own little blog. I have followed a few blogs on here for quite awhile, but never set up my own account!

Anyway, since this is my first post I guess I should get all the "info" out of the way! I suppose it's safe to say you are going to be reading blogs mainly about the following info haha. I'm nearly 21 and I'm a Junior in college studying Secondary English Education. I'm a writer and am currently working on a novel for "NaNoWriMo," which requires writing 50,000 words in the month of November. I have had a few poems and short stories published, but this is my first attempt at a novel. I am the youngest of six and the only one not married--one of two without children. I have two nephews and three nieces, all of which are superbly amazing and I love them with all my life! I spent my summer living mostly in Kenya, Africa and a bit in England (both York and London). My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer the week before I was due to leave the country, and has just finished her chemotherapy. She's my rock, and while I was gone we spoke everyday and since I've been back I've been with her for every doctor appointment and treatment she's had. I also work at a bookstore and I love it like crazy.

The main reason I wanted to make this blog, though, was because of one thing: my boyfriend. He is in the Air Force ROTC and will be stationed next year. Most of the blogs I've been following are those of military wives to try and get a feel for what the life is really like. see if I would be able to handle living my life knowing we would be uprooting our family every four or so years for 20 years all over the world (he specifically mentioned Italy). I still haven't quite figured it out yet, but I love to hear the different perspectives.

Anywho, it's really great to have finally started one of these to keep up with all you guys!

Talk soon,


  1. I saw that you had started following my blog so I just wanted to stop by and say hello!

    I know we are involved with different branches, but if you ever have any questions about military life please feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer. :)

  2. Air Force ROTC!! Isn't it amazing?! My airman is a C/1st Lt. right now. He's staying in college for 5 years undergrad instead of 4 to maximize his studies. What is your boyfriend going for?

    B has wanted to be a fighter pilot all his life, so thats his first choice. Second is navigator, third is air battle manager.

    Thanks for subscribing to my blog, I look forward to many more from you!!

  3. You were my first official follower! Thanks for making me feel awsome! (My other follower is my best friend and that does really count..) Looking forward to hearing all about your experience of this crazy life we're all signed up for!
