
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Owning and Selling Turkey Cupcakes in Georgia

Firstly: I want to make my blog non-generic. Where are you all getting your backgrounds at?

The ups and downs of owning and selling:

1. Fridge. They were supposed to come on Monday between 8 and 12, which apparently meant 2:30pm, and when they did it took 15 minutes for them to say "your compresser is broken" and say they'd be back on Wednesday to fix it. They express ordered the part on Monday to get it here by today, and it never came. No one will be here on Monday, so it will be another 6 days before we have a refridgerator. All of the food is officially spoiled, it wasn't worth keeping the coolers stocked with ice to be honest. But, on the upside it will only be $250 for the part, which means no need for a new one!

2. Camper. The old camper was sold for $600 over book price at $5100 on Ebay last week. The guy that bought it sent us his deposit already, which is why we now own the new camper. Well, he called on Monday and backed out of the deal because he got laid off. There is a lot of legal issues with this, and technically he signed a commitment and HAS to pay the money...but times are hard and if he doesn't have it we aren't going to make him pay it. Thought he was going to cry on the phone. So we contacted the second highest bidder, which was $5000. He bought another camper last week. He said he wouldn't actually mind having both, but he could only come up with about $3000 right now. So, we have no idea what's going to happen and we currently own two campers.

On to more exciting things...

We are headed to Georgia in about 5 hours (yes, 3AM!) so I probably won't be sleeping until then. Thankfully, I'm not driving. I'm not packed yet, as it stands, so I can truly use a bit of extra time anyway! It's supposed to be 64 degrees there tomorrow, and I can't even express how happy that makes me. It's FREEZING here--hence why our food has stayed good for as long as it has hah. We'll be back Sunday night some time.

The real thanksgiving treat is the Turkey cupcakes my best friend Jay and I just made. They are pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. Though, it's painfully obvious that neither of us has a future career in decorative baking. Also, please ignore the fact that my camera takes horrible pictures.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Those cupcakes are adorable!

    You can find some cute blog backgrounds here:

  2. Thanks for asking that question! I just followed the link and found all sorts of cool backgrounds and it was easy. Cupcakes look really cute.

  3. Cute cupcakes! Boo about the camper though!

    My blog was custom designed by Ragan at Blogger Boutique. Before that, I had a free background from Leelou blogs.
