
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First Snow Storm and Snow Day of Snow9

Anyone who knows me can instantly tell you how much I hate the cold, snow and ice.

Unless, of course, it results in school and/or work closures, like today.

Even though I don't actually have classes on Tuesday's nor was I scheduled to work today, my University decided they'd still call me at 6am to tell me that the classes I didn't have were canceled. But, I'm still a ten year old at heart and super excited when a snow day occurs in my life, no matter what it does/doesn't get me out of. So far we've gotten about 7 inches, I'd say, and it is now icing. They said up to a 1/2" of ice, but it probably won't be close to that here, and then we're to get 4-6" more snow overnight. Translation: I'm hoping the Wednesday classes that I do have will also be canceled. =]

The best thing about snow days, though, is that kids don't have school. Which means I can feed my ten year old heart with a day playing in the snow with them. (You will also notice, if you spend much time on my blog, that I frequently have random children in my possession. This is one of those times.) So, I dressed myself in three pair of sweatpants, one pair of long johns (size childs small, because it's been 15 years since I last purchased a pair of long johns, the short length was combated with knee-length socks. PS they are also hot pink), two hats, two gloves, one longsleeve tee, the warmest coat I've ever owned, and a pair of riding boots...and then sweat my butt off as I dressed the kids and we all went out to soak our clothing in the snow.

E took to snowboarding right away...

...and jumping on my back.

Of course, Chase got in on the action too...

And Belle hated the action...

But, we all had a pretty good time (including the other two kids not pictured, and sans Belle, who cried every time she was set down.) And I am officially incredibly sore from shoveling and snow blowing the driveway, numerous falls/crashes, and numerous children jumping on my back...typically causing the crashing and the falling (maybe I'll do bruise pictures tomorrow, ha!). But, it was fun!

Last year our big snow storm hit in March with 15" in one day:

Poor Chase could barely see over the snow...

So, what did we do during that week of snow-doom last year? Well...

We saw a lot of this...

Tried some of this...

Emptied a few bottles of these...

Had one of these...

Spent 9 days wearing these...

Put our hair in these...

Played with some of these...

And questioned a lot of this...

But mostly we just enjoyed being here...

While not missing here... all. =D

(If you are asking yourself if I was just looking for an excuse to share many Mexico pictures, the answer is yes. Yes I was. Lovely, though, eh? ;)