
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lost Tapes: When Giant Extinct Lizards Attack

When I was younger and I'd have trouble falling asleep, my mom used to tell me to "turn on something educational, that'll do it!" Well, when I started watching Discovery Health, Animal Planet, Nat Geo etc. in the middle of the day just for fun, she realized where she had gone wrong. However, the tradition didn't exactly stop, and I can often be found wandering through said channels in the middle of the night

Like last night, for example, when I flipped to Animal Planet at 2am, and found a new show: Lost Tapes. It's basically a show that uses found video tape footage to suggest that something exists and/or is not extinct. Like Bigfoot, for example. Or, in the episode I watched, one of these cuddly creatures:

Also known as a "Megalania" or "Devil Dragon," a 20-30 foot giant monitor lizard that roamed Australia some 40,000+ years ago.

But wait! There are tapes that 'prove' it's still roaming, of course! I tried to find a good recap of this episode, but it just aired yesterday so it's proved quite difficult, so I'll just make one up. Basically, this guy (who I think is named Dave...but we're going to call him that anyway), goes into the Australian Rainforest for some type of 'extreme survivor' show on his own. No crew, no food, etc. etc. Well, he gets this bright idea to take a stick that's maybe a foot long and stick it in a hole to see if there's an animal in there. Surprise! There is, and it bites his arm, but stays in the hole. So he leaves it alone and goes to make his 'shelter' for the night (which fails horribly, by the way). This is him in the middle of the night (not really sure if this video embed will work?)

So, the next day he wakes up and his arm is throbbing. Turns out: it was a poisonous bite. He remembers a village about 5 miles away and heads that direction for help. Monitor lizards, by the way, are known for striking their prey with their 'venom' and then stalking them for days until they are weak enough to eat. Dave's infection just gets worse and worse and he has yet to find the village, and he is being 'stalked' by something, and then we get this video:

Which is where it really started to creep me out. About ten seconds after this, Dave breaks down, knowing he's going to die, and says goodbye to his wife and daughter. About thirty seconds after that, something grabs him, his camera falls, he fights to hold on to grass but whatever it is pulls him away and we never see him again.

Apparently, his body was never found, but the camera was found by Aborigine trail guides about 1/4 mile from the village. There isn't really any evidence that this was a Megalania, and it could have simply been a regular Komodo dragon as they are known for doing the exact same thing. The only things that have brought this into question were that there were unidentifiable tracks near the camera, and that there was unidentifiable saliva found on the camera equipment. And since we know that there are hundreds of unnamed/undiscovered animals/insects/etc living in rain forests, they basically have nothing. Plus, I have been unable to find any information at all about this guy. And if he was real, then he has to have been the worst survivor-esque person ever and was crazy for doing this--other than that random moment of "how to find grub under bark," which is also taught by Timon and Pumba.

But it was still creepy, and the whole thing gave me the heebie jeebies all night. Yck.

P.S. Leaving home 10 minutes early for better parking is just as ineffective as it sounds. Welcome to the result.


  1. I saw this too and it did the exact same thing to me. I have tried to verify the story this morning online but its proving impossible.
    Yeah, heebee jeebies is the right word.
    Did you see his eyes? They were like wild. I just don't know if it is real but either way, it was kind of spooky.


    2. Yeah it did the same to me also,and its hard to creep me out. The fact that it wasn't a movie and based on a actual event was heart breaking for me.

  2. All last night I kept thinging about that show.. I figured he would be rescued.. wow was I suprised..

  3. i saw this last night and i've been googling all day trying to figure out if it was real footage or not. it was extremely disturbing to watch.

  4. Okay, the show was disturbing but it was totally fabricated. The guy's name was Timothy Ackrin or something like that. An e-search revealed nothing. Looking at the "star" he was dropped into the rain forest with a flint and a knife. He never finished anything - like making a shelter...rather ate bugs and poked an unknown animal. Totally unbelievable...don't be so gullable

  5. <3 Yellow! 'Cause basically, I do the same thing on the history channel (when there's something good on), and when I fail to fall asleep, baffle the roommates.

    But srsly? Giant lizards at 2am? *revokes cable privileges*

  6. I saw the Dragon Lizard last night, while trying to fall asleep. I Googled and looked all over for this guys name...he looks very familar, I know I have seen him on Tv somewhere before. I thought he was the regular survivor guy, but its not...I want to know who he is and if he really died out there.. I checked Animal Planet/Discovery, but couldn't find any anwsers there either.. now I wish I had written his name down.. He actually did look like he was on the brink of collapsing, his color way gray, he had huge circles under his eyes, and the infection had made his skin bubble all the way to his chest by the next day... can someone with more computer savvy than me find out? That would be great as I can quit thinking about this and move thanks.

  7. Yeah I don't think this show should be on Animal Planet as I always tell my son to watch the science channel, animal planet, etc. to fall asleep when he has trouble and unfortunately he did watch this.

    So my incredibly observant son has spotted a "potted-plant" which was much lighter in color compared to the other flora surrounding the potted-planted.

    He spotted the "potted-plant" within the first five minutes of the episode "Devil Dragon" which leads us to believe this episode is entirely fictional.

    So the supposed survivalist guy is named Tim Akron. He says his goodbyes to Maria (we think is his daughter) and Catherine (his wife or significant other).

    Is there anyone out there who has proof, actual proof, this guy was a real a person. We have googled and we can't find anything but this page.

    Hope you all have a more restful night's sleep!

  8. I love the history channel with all of my heart. Unfortunetly *R* does not feel the same way and thus, we end up losing braincells and 30 minutes of our lives to MTV. It's so sad.

    Scary man eating lizards? I think I'll have to pass....

    Although...have you seen the show where the try to disprove the Yetti or the Lochness Monster? It's so interesting!!

  9. NO TIM AKRON and this was fun to watch but just a good short monster story. ALL THE "LOST TAPE" EPISODES are very loosely based in fact, but scary. Having worked at Amerca's first zoo : that has its own Komodo, up close they are monsters when they aren't being fat and lazy.
    Ed Gein, whom you could Google was as scary as hell in real life and was the bases for some of the scariest movies ever. Just look at the list of films created by brilliant writers from Gein's crimes.

  10. Lost Tapes is so obviously fake. There is no real liable evidence given. Like for example the Giant Extinct Lizard. Wouldn't it make sense if the guy actually looked to see what the fuck bit him, I mean seriously, how would he know whether he was in extreme danger or if he did receive treatment, how would he explain what poisoned him? Secondly, earlier while he was filming his expedition through the rainforest, he noticed his video camera was tipped over by some animal which lead us to believe it was the 'lizard,' but seriously, if this was a real situation, a sensible person would have looked back on their video camera to see what animal tipped it over. Lastly, if Animal Planet was really faithful to "Lost Tapes" and are truthfully showing to the public what they are presenting is something they stand and believe firmly upon, they would have interviewed the freakin family of the the guy and would have got their intake on it. The same goes along with the other episodes on Lost Tapes. NONE of the episodes feature any of the families loved ones and how because of this 'supposed' situation has changed their life. Just like the anaconda thing, totally BS, the show quotes, "however security of this plant was unable to capture this anaconda killing the owner", eventhough their was security cameras everywhere that would have clearly proven this was real. I could go on and on why this show is clearly not real, but for now it's a show that gives me a good laugh and reminds me of gay stupid cheap ass, bad, murder/horror films that are featured so frequently today to appease for young, uneducated teenagers my age.

  11. Yes it seemed real but so do so many "movies". One would think they could find his name on the internet, or maybe they used another name... But even a search of man missing in Australian rainforest turns up empty. After he was bitten yes one would think that he would have pulled the knife and checked to see what bit him. he was complaining about him arm when trying to light a fire..reason that he may have stopped. I would like to hear more about this and am going to contact animal planet and hope for a response. If it is true...very creepy I would love to go there and check it out.

  12. Found some info on IMDB, the movie/tv encyclopedia site

  13. The story may be real, but the footage certainly isn't and the acting is often horrible. The actor in this episode, playing "Tim" did a really good job at the end, however.

    This is just poorly done dramatization, for the most part, and really smoldering, over the top intensity.

    Check out the episode where the woman is eaten by a sea beast. She has conveniently placed a camera atop her boat's mast, and there is another camera recording her video chat with someone on dry land, so we can actually see his face, etc. and the audio is perfectly clear. Pure nonsense.

    The opening text admits that the stories are inspired by the possibility that undiscovered beasts exist. If it were real, it would say something like, "The following dramatization is based on actual events..."

    It is completely fake!

  14. My opinion is that this show is real!

    Maybe we cant find any details about this show cause this privite government information.


    Great acting! He had me fooled when he played Tim Akron.

  16. The show is a docufiction. if it were real in the begining it wouldnt say "inspired by the possibility that undiscovered beasts exist." which in itself means its not real.

    plus the episode of Big Foot, the acting is obvious, and terrible.
    nor would they show someone actually dead hanging like that on daytime cable tv.

    the megalania episode they didnt show much of the forest actually they showed almost none. the camera was almost always on his face. or specailly placed. which isnt common on the survivor type shows.

    I hate when they make shows like this.
    its only a good show if people know its fiction

  17. Chris Herzberger is the actor.

  18. I tried to look up the Tim Akron guy myself, i couldn't find anything. But i also tried to look up the tv show "stranded" i looked it up and found nothing on it, i looked it up on wikipedia also and all i found was a link to survivorman

  19. Wow, just watched the show and I am hooked. I cant wait to watch the swamp creature.

    Tim Akron is a tough dude.. lol

  20. Poor Tim, he ended up looking like one of those zombies! I can't wait for the Bigfoot episode, I hope ole Sasquatch doesn't feel like assraping someone!

  21. Bill Oberst Jr. who played the poacher in the Bigfoot episode looked like the same guy who played Tim Akron in Megalania Dragon episode.

  22. I watched the "Devil Dragon" episode last night, it bothered me also. It was a very convincing episode, the actor was also convincing, and the plot line (the creature stalking his wounded prey waiting for the right moment to attack) seemed very realistic. However, as I began to ponder what I saw, there were several discrepancies that I noticed: The first discrepancy was the lack of blood from such a large laceration. Blood would have started flowing pretty quickly with a wound that size. Even the next day when he removed the handkerchief, there was no blood on it. Had the wound been real, the handkerchief would have been soaked with blood. The second discrepancy was that the 'infected' wound did not have a gash in the middle of it. The infected wound would have had a very pronounced laceration. The third clue was that the progressive appearance of the poison, although very convincing, there was just something artificial about it and it seemed like movie make-up. The fourth clue was that though the man 'struggled' with the beast with camera in hand, not a single glimpse of the creature was recorded. The fifth discrepancy was that when he was being 'dragged away' the camera was set up perfectly to capture the scene. I thought it was real, but after considering these discrepancies and researching it on the internet, I am convinced that it was a fabrication designed to circumvent our skeptical nature by using the reality show format.

  23. I Saw this about 2 minutes ago, Btw, the guy's name was Tim Akron, the host of the Show "Stranded" his body was never found, but his camera was, and it was covered in salyva by an unidentified reptile (supposedly Megalania a.k.a. Devil Dragon). Megalania has a a tounge that has TONS of bacteria, so if it bites you, you WILL get infected, same thing will happen to you if bitten by a Komodo Dragon.... The Infection that Tim Akron was infected with was a blood poisoning, which may cause hillusonations, and if it spreads to the heart, the person will be weaker and then, the Megalania or the Komodo Dragon will go in for the kill. Megalania is said to be up to 6 feet tall and 40 feet long, and about 10 feet wide.

  24. Yeah... After seeing this show it really gave me the creeps, and it looked so real. But after reading these comments (especially the one on the 4 discrepancies) it's not too scary anymore. And... wouldn't we be able to see exactly WHAT dragged him away? Like there's a moment in every episode that something happens to the camera and gets knocked over... a you catch only a half-second glimpse of what you see. Tim Akron is fake; I googled him and found only this website, and the supposed show "Stranded" which only gave me a link to Survivorman. It was about 20 hours after the show that I posted this...

  25. Oh... there were 5 discrepancies on Anonymous comments, but it proves even more of what everyone is saying.

  26. I googled a few search terms: tim akron, tim akrin, time acron, tim acren, etc... and Megalania australia plus more. I could never find anything coming remotely close to the story described on the TV program. ALWAYS question... it is worth the time ;)

    The beginning on the show stated that it was based on stories. Naturally, anyone watching should have realized immediately that this was a re-enactment. I am actually not even sure why that was questioned at all lol. For those of you watching and thinking it was real in the slightest did the fact that the hand held camera shots were movie quality instead of "real life " or "home video" quality? lol

    It is docufiction with conjecture that these cryptids exist. They are pure fiction stories and best for children - but me, being a sci-fi freak, like these types of shows. Cryptozoology is an interesting field, but until Bigfoot comes to my house, knocks and asks for some milk or sugar.. I will leave it on the large crammed fiction shelving fastened tightly in the back of my mind ;)

  27. Here is a link to what Wikipedia says about it:

    For what it's worth, I noticed in one of these links that Tim Akron isn't listed as an actor.

    As for myself, I'm waiting until all the facts are in. Two (of many) things are for sure though - extinct creatures do nothing and nothing is obvious.

  28. I can tell that everyone else found the tape as disturbing as I did. Especially, because when I was watching it, I had been sleeping. When I woke up it was about 3:00 am. I'm glad I didn't hear Tim whisper the name Kathryne, because I would have really freaked out, since that is my name! It was the second time that I watched the film, that I heard the name clearly. Being that most everyone is freaked out about it why not write and ask the people at the Animal Planet website, if the tapes are real or what? I still believe that the whole thing was staged, because I find it difficult to believe the camera that he set to film him, didn't fall or tip over once in the struggle. The other thing too, is that Tim Akron wasn't very smart in asking to be dropped off in such a remote area. I can't believe there wouldn't have been a rescue crew to have come to his aid. The Outbacks in Australia isn't play stuff. Even the Aborigines who know the area and for the most part know how to survive, disappear. Let alone a guy whose only experience was that of being "outdoors man." And last, there was NO DAMN DEVIL DRAGON AS PROOF!! ~Kathryne

  29. <<< Anonymous said...
    Bill Oberst Jr. who played the poacher in the Bigfoot episode looked like the same guy who played Tim Akron in Megalania Dragon episode.

    APRIL 13, 2009 1:12 AM >>>

    Sorry Anonymous....Not Even!

  30. South Korean VIEWERApril 21, 2009 at 2:30 PM

    This is South korean viewer.
    you can find another episode
    name : "Monster of Monterey"
    this episode is very impressive too.
    so I search all the website I can contact!
    and I found some page!

    go and check that!

    please contact me

  31. Found this pg:

    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
    Well, I emailed Discovery and asked them them specifically:
    "Lost Tapes: Fact or fiction? Actual footage, or Blair-Witch-recreations / speculations? "Devil Dragon"; is that (as stated) actual footage of real person, from his own found video cam?"

    This is their reply, in full:
    "Dear Viewer,

    Thank you for your interest in Animal Planet’s LOST TAPES. This cryptozoology series is inspired by the possibility that creatures like Bigfoot, Chupacabra and the Monterey Bay Monster do exist. Although the existence of these creatures has never been proven, alleged sightings and encounters suggest that there are species that have managed to elude the reach of mankind.

    LOST TAPES is not meant to be deceiving; its purpose is to entertain viewers by posing stories, mixed with purported evidence, that suggest what could happen if these animals and people crossed paths. The footage in the program contains some recreations and re-enactments which incorporate the nuances and characteristics of these animals that have been allegedly gathered over the years. LOST TAPES does not acknowledge the existence of these creatures, nor does it disprove it. The series is simply meant to peak viewers’ curiosity about unknown animal species that may lurk beyond
    the scope of human knowledge.

    Thanks again for your interest in our programming.


    Viewer Relations
    Animal Planet"

  32. I watched this show a lot, and have this taped. It's fake, but I like to believe it's real. Like the ending, I could see a camera dude in the background, and when he was being pulled, you could tell it was fake.

  33. that syc english survival dude on discovery woulda got outa there! bear gryles i think hes name is...

    but seriously this is fugged up,
    you cant say its totally fake, yes it is a remake but it could be based on a true story and if it was then the real tape would be crazy to watch.... but it could have happend before the age of internet and therefore lost...

    australia hasnt identified any giant moniter lizzards like the komodo, but theres alot of unexplored bush here.... so it could be true....
    but then again you would think the rangers and that would have gone looking and killed it plus there should have been heaps of publicity....

  34. Ok, I posted back on April 13th, as Anonymous which was about a day or two after watching the program and I admit I was disturbed by it. So, I wrote the Discovery Channel's Animal Planet and asked them to make it clear whether the tape was fake or real. They wrote back and did say that the show is made to look real, just to peak viewers interests. So, while there may or may not be such evidence of the devil dragon, the tape is not real, which makes me feel better! I would hate to think that the poor guy, Tim, after suffering all those trials, was eaten alive. ~KD

  35. I am pretty sure Tim Akron is a fictional person. Herzberger)who I reckon acted as him in the episode but was uncredited, is from a town called Akron.

  36. i just watched this shit ive lived in australia for 18 years and this is the first ive heard of some devil dragon they should of done it on the yowie or the giant cat or the fact that there has been reportings of peoples dogs and pets decapitated and at least there is actual footage of this giant cogar or puma like cat that has been sighted by the way there is no pumas cogars tigers cheeters or any big cat in australia where i live aint nothin but sun and babes

  37. is watch the end were hes so called getting taken away and eating dont look at his face just below his wast u can see he is running forward then hes running back.

    so called infection was all make up

    his eyes when he wiped them at the end he never actually touched them and u could see it was running down his face.

    if u watch the lost tapes b4 this u saw the chcik forgot her name get taken by7 a sea creater FAKE! when she when down into he boat to talk to her bf the sail was up, when she cam out to put it up it was down then she fell in the water while in the water for lik 5 sec he sail was UP? how did this happen when she fell in the water and no one was around these story fake and unbaliable if u believe them u must be a dick.

    im sorry to say it but the it just another one of them fake shows that make little things BIG!

  38. I think this story is fake, but i also think there are things in the world on Lost Tapes that could be real. I'm not trying to sound all "mysterious and wise" but i'm just saying that things like this could happen! Who knows? Maybe there is a giant lizard out there! =P

  39. The show bothered me. Don't want to watch these Lost Tapes anymore. That Tim fella is a good actor, if this is fake. I've been praying for the man like it's real.

    The Bigfoot show that followed seemed fake and especially at the end where the lady park ranger runs out the door with a video camera instead of a weapon when she hears the poacher screaming in agony. Huh? If I'm way out in bear country and I hear some guy screaming like the poacher was, I'd take the rifle and leave the camera back in the cabin. Have no plans to watch any more of Lost Tapes.

  40. People want to believe, and the more credible the source (written, pictured, filmed), the more people will cry !PROOF! Yet articles can fabricated, photographs can be altered and films can have CGIs-anyone remember Gary Sinese without legs in "Forrest Gump"?

    The Lost Tape series are docufiction....which is not even a word in the Merriam-Webster Online...but seems pretty clear to me it's derived from Documented Fiction. Could it be more clear?

    With that said, I'll admit that my first viewing of "Dragon Demon" gave me the heebee jeebies, as well! I must give kudos to the director, makeup artist, and most of all the actor who played Tim Akron. Because of them, I believed!

    At least for a few wasn't far into the second show (about Bigfoot), that I realized the truth--tis BS! But still, I googled...and here I am...LOL

    I'll watch the remaing shows, hopefully to be entertained. Perhaps there will be another good actor? And BTW, I haven't yet found the name of the actor that played Tim Akron, but the two links to previously posted show that it's neither Bill Oberst or Christopher Herzberger.

    And to be clear, I'm not saying there aren't monsters out there....actually, I'm pretty sure there, tho probably not in the forms that are commonly dipicted.

    So let us each beware...We've been warned by Docufiction!!!


  41. Just watched Lost Tapes.I'm Australian born & bred and this is the first time I've ever heard mention of a Megalania! If this bloke went missing, it would have been reported.

    Our most dangerous creatures are crocodiles & snakes & usually there are traces left, even after a crocodile attack.

    This is total BS and shame on them for trying to dupe the viewers, because that is exactly what they were trying to do!

  42. As if our beautiful country didn't have a bad enough wrap for Sharks, Snakes, Stingers, Octopus, oh and lets not forget the Yowie and the deadly Drop Bears (ever been hit on the head by a drunken Koala? lethal)
    I saw this and as an Aussie found it entertaining. But we don't have comodo's and you can be sure that custodians of that land know every single species that exists thats bigger than a grub. Because they would have cooked it ats ome point.
    So you can be sure Tim died by over acting....

  43. its all just made up. see

  44. I watched the dragon show this evening on prime time. The guys name was Tim Akron and he was supposed to be on a show called Stranded. My first search on this brought me to your page so if anyone know of this show or this guy, let us know. I also watched the one about Vampires and Werewolves. They seem totally acted by very poor actors....I am happy they are not real, but disapointed by poor acting, especailly on Discovery Channel

  45. I watched this just before I went to bed and am sorry I did. Had the heebie jeebs as well. Still on my mind this morning. Between all the Subprime BS, Lack of health reform for the PEOPLE and potential forced vacs by bioterrorist big pharma. It just added to the mix.....

    After the idiot got bit and saw how red it was on only the SECOND day, he should have dispatched his emergency radio beacon for help.

    INSTEAD, he thinks he will have the strength to walk 5 miles with blood poisoning after getting zero sleep and NOT having a few more grubs to munch. Is it any surprise that he didn't turn himself into a walking Jack-in-the-box on foot? That sepsis looked real to me. If it had been a snake at least he would have croaked and got it over with.

    Did they pay the aboriginal that found the tape???

    Shame on the producers of "Lost Tapes" for presenting a show that DOESN'T tell people they should seek emergency medical attention if they are bit and their arm swells up like this.

    Darwins law prevails.....

  46. I saw the tape and people you are so silly! There are no more Megalania lizards just like the T-REX is no longer around. This was a complete farse but they got you all talking and wanting more which means the actor did his job and their ratings are huge! All survivor shows have an emergency transponder incase the person is hurt or sick and this guy had nothing, plus it was so staged and he knew nothing about survival. The branch he found the grubs in was also so staged, notice the bark was just laying on the branch and underneath he just happened to find 6 planted meal worms. I have years of survival experience and this was a complete joke.

  47. On April 13, 2009 at 1:12 AM Anonymous wrote...
    "Bill Oberst Jr. who played the poacher in the Bigfoot episode looked like the same guy who played Tim Akron in Megalania Dragon episode."

    This is Bill Oberst Jr. Just found this post but wanted to say that I did not play Tim Akron. Funny thing is, nobody seems to know who did. A friend who works on the show said she doesn't know anyone who worked on filming that episode. It just showed up on the schedule and nobody knows where or if it was shot. Maybe this one was real??? Creepy.

  48. I saw this show and have wondered if it was real. I just watched a show call Man versas Wild. It was a rerun but...the man in both the Lost tapes show and Man versas Wild show were the same. His name is Bear Gryll. He is or was a regular on Man versas Wild... so I think it is a true story. I think the fear shown in his eyes and ashen color of this face would be hard to fake. I can't get it off my mind.

  49. Well, here I am, like the rest of you Googling Tim Akrons even though there were several things that made me suspect this was not real footage.

    1. When the guy get's bit, he convinced me he was fearful, BUT, he didn't jump up and move away! You know, fight or flight? Ever creature has that instinct.

    2. It's night and you're running through the rain forest as fast as you can because you're certain you are being stalked by a big unknown creature, you're really scared and you're going to die if you don't get medical attention ASAP. Would you really hook up your camera and lights?

    3. In the final scene...
    First he is running, then he stops, then running again.
    This all plays as if it's continuous shooting, no edits.
    If so, the camera would have to be attached to him, not on a freestanding tripod.
    Suddenly he's dragged away. The camera is still rolling from the exact position as just before. Hmmm?

    AND, It's pitch dark out, yet he remains lit as he is dragged away although his camera is clearly no longer attached to him since it's no longer a close up of him.

    I felt duped. If I knew it was fiction, I wouldn't have been interested in it at all. But, whereas it was presented as if it were a true story, I was sucked in.

    There is nothing wrong with fiction for entertainment, but they should be honest and clear about what it is. It's like "false advertising" otherwise.

  50. well if this really happened the people who hired him would try to cover it up and make it nearly impossible to find him.Ooh and whatever got him was not a komodo because they don't live in Australia.

  51. The komodos live in the rain forest..and most of the rain forest is unexplored,many people have been "lost" and never found, there.
    I just seen the lost tapes episode yesterday and been feeling really creeped out, i kinda feel like, what if i was in that situation..all alone with no one and nothing but a for those who say, why would he take his cam? Because when humans are lonely we find comfort in such things, a camera makes us know maybe, JUST maybe someone will find it and if you heard, he says something to a few girls, possibly his daughter and wife,and it coulda just been a camera with the flashlight on it,i have one of those. Obviously he knows if its dark he should bring a flash light for one..and he is also poisoned which they said was making him act delusional,because it effects the brain and heart...hes also hot as hell,wet and now bitten,& poisoned, lol they also never show the whole entire full tapes, as the narrator said,while he walks he mostly been acting delusional,so they cut it to where he was closer to dying.If it is real, i wish to see the full thing..but cause of the ending it did make it seem fake, he threw the camera into a bush,and it i guess by some luck was able to fall in the perfect position to still see him while he got, "dragged" away by something.. and well as to wondering, why would anyone go out all alone without help near by? Someone quiet egotistic,(or just VERY confident in his survival abilities) (a usual man, Lol) who probably explored other places before so he thought he could handle it, obviously he was aware their was a village near by. The pain and fear on his face is very memorable.If its fake hes a great actor, Lol

  52. also this is what the site says about the story..if anyones interested. Lol.
    A LIVING FOSSIL? In Australia, locals speak of a giant, prehistoric lizard that continues to roam the rainforests some 40,000 years after it's said to have gone extinct. Cryptozoologists say this creature, the so-called "Devil Dragon," is a living fossil known to science as Megalania prisca, the largest ground-dwelling lizard that's ever lived. Megalania was at least twice the size of today's Komodo dragon. With large, serrated teeth that bend inward and sharp claws for ripping through flesh, Megalania was likely a fearsome predator.

    THE EVIDENCE: Over the last three decades, several reports of unexplained and mysterious human disappearances in Australia have been associated with strange animal imprints. Some witnesses speak of giant, fallen tree logs that scamper away when startled. Though a complete fossil skeleton of Megalania has never been found, a farmer in Queensland, Australia found bones of this prehistoric creature on his farm. They tested to be only 300 years old. Whether or not Megalania continues to roam the Australian rainforests today, it surely did encounter humans when Aborigines arrived on the continent 40,000 to 125,000 years ago.

  53. I do believe that some of the things Lost tapes allegedly documents might be real but I guess this says it all:
    these are the cast of the lost tapes episodes, I didn't read all the responses here but I guess some might have posted this before, but I came to the internet to see if these are fictional myself and came across this post before searching "cast of lost tapes" myself lol

  54. Granted "Lost Tapes" is a fictional show based on real possibilities. It is accurate to say that menkind only really knows a fraction of the species on the earth. Especially when you considered that most of the oceans and fresh water sources such as lakes and rivers are really unkown to men. The probability is certain that there are plenty of creatures unkown to us that could be beneficial as well as harmful.
    Only a fraction of the world's animal species have been identified. About 1.4 million species have been catalogued, leaving an estimated 5.4 million unknown to science. Vertebrates, with about 62,000 species known so far, have received much more attention, and half the world's taxonomists, biologists who identify organisms and place them within related groups,focus on them. However, researchers say, vertebrates are estimated to make up less than 4 percent of the world's unknown animal species.
    Insects dominate both the known species and the estimated number of unknown species, and the need for taxonomists specializing in them is enormous. Even then, they say, "a complete inventory of the animal diversity of the world might remain an elusive goal."
    Surely we can understand why shows such as "Lost Tapes" are very appealing to the public. Although it is fictional, it is base on real possibilities. So if you are going to watch it, do so with an open mind and the understanding that there is plenty in our own planet that we still don't know or understand...

  55. I saw the pot plant at the beginning. right in the middle of the ground. Granted is the initial setting to mix with a "real" footage later. What is unbelievable is how some silly self-called survivalist would put his hand away from his sight ina burrow, in a country known for its spiders, snakes and other ctritters. The bite, also could not come from a Komodo or Megalania, if exists, unless is a bayby one, judging for the minute size of the burrow. Maybe baby bit him and mommy concluded the process? However, this guy should better be included in the program "1,000 ways to die", as stupidity there shows no bounds.

  56. Come on guys....there is a disclaimer right in the beginning that says something along the lines that the show is based on the possibility that these creatures may exist. All you have to do is watch one to know this. Many of them have cameras angles that mean someone else is filming, etc. Also, no one in the world would take the time to film what could be their own demise, yes?

    As for this episode.....I agree that we have no idea what actually could live in the rain forest, but komodo dragons are not native to Australia.

  57. I cannot believe YOU people think that this show:Lost Tapes is real. It is fake to the point of the filming. For obvious reasons too. Usually the crew/actors are just horrible actors in a way itself. They are literally no names because their acting career failed. The way they act is very similar to that of a Jason movie or a cabin fever movie.

    It's fake. Very Fake. I'm not saying the docs and history footage and info rather is not true, but this show is fake. It even says at the beginning of each 'episode' that the shows based on what people want to see and believe there is something out there to be scared and what not.

    God bless!!!

  58. I've seen the original footage. I saw it once online a long time ago but never again. the footage they played was fake, but the footage I saw was real. Unless that was fake. But I can remember seeing the komodos eating him. I've never been able to find that same exact footage. Maybe I should use a different search engine.

  59. This is not real. I am a born and bred Australian and I have never heard a story even close to this. We are taught to be cautious of crocodiles, spiders and snakes, not "man eating lizards". We don't have Komodo dragons here unless you visit a zoo. If they wanted to make it seem real they could have done it on the "Yowie" or the "Black Cat of Australia", which to me just looks like zoomed out footage of a domestic cat anyway. I can not stress enough that this is not true. The day I see a gigantic lizard, I will eat my own words

  60. Here it is 2014 and I can't believe this still perplexes people. Next time you see that Lost Tapes is about to air, pay close attention to the prologue warning and the credits at the end. It clearly states that the tapes are dramatized to illustrate the possibility of whichever myth they are investigating, and how such a discovery may look in a real life scenario.

  61. At last. It's 2017 and that stupid (I say stupid only becsuse its taken until now to find out whst hsppened)show has haunted me since I saw it. All I can say is good job to everyone involved too bad all tv isnt that well made and memorable. Lol

  62. I don’t know if anyone has said this yet, I’m not reading all these comments, but it’s really upsetting you called him “Dave.” That’s not his name. His name is Tim Akrin. The guy died, have some respect for Pete’s sake. You were also crudely flippant about his death and the manner in which he died. That broke my heart was he was saying goodbye to his family and you treated his last moments as if it were a sitcom. Extremely disrespectful. And also, they are comparing the Megalania to the Komodo Dragon, not a monitor lizard.

  63. I loved this episode, even though I knew it was fake I thought the actor was so convincing I really felt bad for him. I was rooting he'd be rescued. With all the terrible actors out there with mansions, I wish this guy would've had a better career. Have never been able to find out who he is. Somebody mentioned it might be Bill Oberst Jr but I don't see the resemblance.

  64. lost tapes is an American fictional television series that aired on Animal Planet, but it's quite entertaining

  65. this is fiction, without question!!!, it is said that this demonstration about the mysterious disappearance of people in the Australian jungle & sightings of giant monitor lizards in the Australian forests, the witness did not call it Megalania, they only said they saw a monitor lizard the size of a saltwater crocodile
