
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday Tribute

Some of you may have seen my post on Saturday about 2 year old Tuesday who lost her battle with cancer on Friday. Cancer is something that's really important to me and my family, especially childhood cancers. I can't even begin to imagine what the Whitt family is going through right now, and research efforts are trying to make it so no one else will have to, either.

How to Help the Whitt Family:

Shop here. There is an array of Tuesday shirts for adults and children, bags, magnets, mugs, and various other things that are darling. I've already got my tee! All profits go to Tuesday's family.

You can also click here to offer your thoughts and condolences.

How to Help With a Cure:

Jay over at Halftime Lessons will be raising money until March 21st and shaving his head to support funding for Childhood Cancer Research. It is part of St. Baldrick's National Organization that raised over $17 Million Dollars last year for research! Visit his blog to support him, join him, or make a direct donation to the cause.

Of course, if you'd like to just simply donate time, there are always options for that, as well. There are special places like The Center For Courageous Kids that have children affected with terminal illnesses and their families stay for a weekend (during the school year) or a week (during the summer) and gives them a chance to spend some time feeling like a normal kid! I love this place, and spend my weekends there when I can. I'm sure there is a place like this close to where you live if you are interested, just google it up!

But, there are always volunteer programs as Children's Hospitals as well, so check with your local branch!

Chemo and radiation and surgeries, etc. is no picnic for anyone. But kids, especially, have a hard time understanding it. But, with every dollar donated, scientists are getting closer to a cure.

My friend, Chance, just turned 9 years old after going through his second round of full-on treatment in three years. The goal is to have 100% happy stories like his...

While never forgetting those like Tuesday, who brought joy to the world in just the short time she had...


  1. this is beautiful! thanks for contributing... we can all do something, even something little, to try to make a difference.

  2. I'd heard about Tuesday - thanks for the tips on how to help...

  3. Thank you for this beautiful post about little Tuesday. Her family are dear friends of mine and I know they really appreciate all of the love and support.
    ~ Debi

    ps You could also tell readers about the beautiful pendants that we are offering in a fundraiser for Tuesday right now.
    You can find the info here:
