
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Cancer Milestone

A milestone, in my opinion, was hit this week with my mom. Her hair has been growing back for some time now, but it's certainly taking it's time in doing so. It's so soft, and for over a month I've been telling her she didn't need the wig anymore...just go with the hair! Well, I finally convinced her to do that a few weeks ago and she went to the grocery without her wig or a hat, and stood at the deli, and someone behind her saw her 5"9', short haired self and said, "Can I help you....sir." And that was pretty much the end of that, and I was sure she'd never go wig-less anywhere again.

This past week, however, my mom decided to go get a hair cut. Before all she could do with it was faux-hock it, because it had no style attempts. But now with the cut, it's cut to spike up on top and lay down on the sides, even though it's still very short. And to my amazement, she hasn't worn the wig once since getting the haircut. I love that she's comfortable enough to do it! It makes me so happy, and means the time in which this is all "in the past" is coming soon! She'll have her breast reconstruction surgery in the beginning of May, and then a decent period of recuperation, and a few injections to finish them off along the way. Other than that, the treatment/after-care will be completely done other than her every 6 week oncology check-ups (but no more procedures!). A little bit of excitement over here!

(Her and I, I'm somewhere around 11-12 months old. And because I know you're wondering, there will be payback for that outfit at some point. ;])

(P.S. 5 minutes ago I was informed that the general education class list that I have is from 2004, and is no longer valid. It just keeps getting better.)


  1. Aww...Yay for your mom!!! I happen to think your littel outfit is cute!! You should see some of the things my grandma made for me! haha

  2. Hahah....Navy :D

    Ah the budget cuts here are KILLING us as far as classes go. I haven't fufilled my general education core reqs and I've been forced to take a 400 class.

  3. awwww--your mom sounds awesome

  4. That is awesome! My cousin (more like an aunt or mom) never wore the wigs because she hated how itchy they were, but that first time that she left her scarf at home was so wonderful! It's such a huge milestone in a cancer survivor's life. Congratulations to your mom!

  5. So glad. That really must be a relief.

    My bff's brother in law just went through the same thing, and he's finally recovering.
