
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Few Wedding Questions

This is pretty much the first you'll be hearing from me on wedding things, but I need your help!!

B and I have pretty much gotten the guest list worked out. It's the "I wish" list, basically, so by the time the wedding roles around I'll probably cut the list by a few choice names. Right now, the list is at about 315. I have a feeling that before cuts, it'll probably be somewhere around 335 or 340. I'm going to try to keep it under 325. Most of the list is family (we both have huge families) and most live within an hour of here. Out of this number, how many/what percentage should we really expect to show up?? What did you all plan for out of your entire guest list? Did it work?

And also, when you sent out invitations what did you go by? I always thought it was anyone over 18 gets their own invitation and a guest invite, even if they were living at home. B's family thinks it's one per household, no matter how old the people are who live there. What did you do?

Also, I need color help. I think, think, I want yellow. It'll be a summer wedding, so I want something bright such as this yellow. B will be in his uniform, which is dark blue, so we'll use dark blue as the accent color for the flowers and such. However, we still need another main color to go with yellow but also look good with the dark blue. I don't really want another really dark color since it's summer and we already have the dark blue, but I also don't really want anything "faded" (i.e. lavender, pale blue, etc.). Any suggestions??

My eternal love to anyone that can help! :o)


  1. Anyone over 18 gets their own. Even if they live with mom and dad still. I sent mine out 10 weeks prior (I think 6-8wks is the rule of thumb?) because mine was at Christmas and I wanted everyone to have time to make plans, etc.

    As far as guest list, the rule of thumb is to expect about 70%. We had a little more because most of our family was in town, it was on Christmas break when people out of town could travel, etc. It may be the same case for you if everyone lives close and is family.

    I love the idea of bright yellow! That would look fantastic against a dark blue uniform!

  2. I think the percantage really can only be guessed by you. "they" say about 70%, but I think you and B know better than anyone. For instance my family would fly across the country to be there, where as *R*'s might not even drive across town. It varies so much.

    How I handled it was after we made the list I went through and made a realistic best guess as to who would be come (obviously much easier because we have a lot of out of town guests). Then I deleted and added names from there.

    As for colors, I really love the navy and yellow and had I been doing a summer wedding I would be all over it!

    But since we are in the fall I picked the next best thing and am going with Navy and bronze (coppery-goldish colors). I am considering adding in some pale pink for flowers, or just using creams and blush colored florals.

    I guess I'll know after this weekend but I love the Navy and Yellow! Super pretty! I also love the Navy, Bright yellow and pale yellow. It's adds another dimension to the palette without looking too much like a rainbow.

  3. Oh, the dreaded guest list. As far as who gets an invite, I think you can base that off of how formal your family is. My family (cousins, aunts, uncles), would probably be horribly confused if we sent everyone their own invite.

    People have TOLD me to take off 20% of the total guest list and that's how many will show up...NO idea if that's true. I'm expecting 95% of my family to show up - even the out of towners.

    I love yellow in weddings! It's so bright and happy!
