
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

DIY Amazingness!

I did go ahead and start the wedding website at and I am having a field day with all the crap on that website! There obviously isn't much on our website, as we don't have a ceremony date or reception place or anything yet, but the DIY section on theknot is consuming my life right now. I've gotten so many ideas it's crazy! And we just went over to B's sisters last night, who just got married last year in the same church we'll be getting married in and have a better idea of what we can and can't do with the church.

And we've made some decisions as of late that we are most likely probably going to do maybe ;o):

My brother is now a groomsman. He doesn't know it yet.

We are going to invest in a $3-400 video camera and a family friend is going to set it up on a tripod in the back of the church for us and start it for the ceremony. This will save us tons of money on a videographer and we'll get to keep a kickass camera out of it.

We may have significantly moved the date up for the wedding. It's been steadily moving closer and closer, starting June 2011, moved to either December 2010 or May 2011, and is now all the way up to May 2010-June 2010...but the final decision is up to my mom because she's the one that will be helping us pay for it. She needs to decide soon though, because that's less than a year from now and we need to kick our butts in gear if we're going to do it then.

My mom and real father will be walking me down the aisle. I'd really like to put a disclaimer on this part of the program that says "I don't really think my father has any kind of right to give me away, but I don't feel like dealing with his bitchy baby self all night so he's at least there" but...I suppose I won't.

For the father/daughter dance, which I will be doing because B's mom is all excited about her's with B so I can't just pretend like I forgot, It will be split in half with my dad and my real father.

We're pretty sure our first dance will be to "Jump On It". It's kind of our trademark. People will remember it.

We've had serious discussion about dancing into the reception hall to "I Like Big Butts". So far, our grandmothers hating it is winning out in this scenario.


  1. smart move on the videographer!!!

    and omg i like big butts is my faveeee rap song. girl, you've never seen a white girl sing it quite like me! hahahah!

  2. LMAO @ Big Butts. Too funny. I think we're having our party walk into the "Let's get ready to rumble" song!

    I think as long as you have a vision for your wedding you'll have plenty of time, and getting a jump start is always a good thing!
