
Monday, August 10, 2009

Phatal Photographer Phailure

This is how my week of wedding planning has gone:

Me: "Our date is May 29th"
Priest: "May 29th isn't available"
Me: "Our date is June 5th"
Jayne (maid of honor): "My graduation is June 5th."
Me: "Our date is May 22nd"
Paul: "My wedding is May 22nd"
Me: "My exams are right before it, but since we have no other choices, our date is May 15th." objections, so far.

B and I met with the priest this morning and reserved the church for May 14th and 15th of next year for the rehearsal and wedding. We may end up moving it...I don't know. But I think the likely hood that it will stay as the 15th is very good.

So I came home and started diving into photographers. Took hours, but I finally found one I loved. The prices were right, the photographs were gorgeous, and the team was a husband and wife team so it seemed like a good time.

Then I looked at their availability.

They are booked for ONE day in May next year. Can you guess what day it is??

So it's back to the drawing board on that. And really...I just want decent pictures that don't cost more than we bring home in two months. Seriously. Please??

But at least we have a date! Ha!

...I'm also considering bribing that place with the right price and the good pictures to do our wedding instead. Do people do that? PLEASE??


  1. 5/15/10 sounds like a great date! Hopefully (finger's crossed) that will be able to stick. It's amazing how far in advance people plan weddings!

  2. I can't believe the photographers were booked on your date.

    Life is insane sometimes :D
