
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin Cake

I found this recipe probably in family circle as well, but I honestly don't remember. If doesn't matter, because other than the general idea I completely ignored the recipe and did whatever I felt like doing.

Like using box mix for Chocolate Fudge Cake instead of making my own blend of pumpkin cake. And using a smaller Pyrex baking bowl than they suggested (who knew those bowls we always mix in were actually baking bowls??). It turned out okay for the presentation, but the cake itself is amazingly delicious! So here it goes:

When you bake in a pyrex bowl, this is what it comes out like.

You have to use the same size bowl to make each one, and I baked them for 45 minutes each. Both halves.

And then you have to level the tops of each so that they meet closely when placed on top of each other.

Mix yellow and red with vanilla icing to make orange, and use that in between the halves to keep them together and on the outer edge to smooth it.

Then ice the rest of it, but I suggest doing one section at a time because the icing gets funky. Cut a hole in the top of the cake for the "stem". Cover the icing with reese pieces (it said M&Ms but they don't have an abundance of yellow and orange in them) in the pattern you want and put some kind of chocolate bar in the top hole for the stem.


It worked well until I went to move it. Then things started to move. But it was a good thought. Next time I'd probably use a bigger bowl to make it easier, decorate on the presentation dish instead of the wire rack, and more red in my icing. But it's still at least kind of cute :)

Spider cupcakes on Saturday I think!


  1. That is an extremely cute idea! Very cool :)

  2. I saw this same cake when I was waiting to check out at the grocery store. I thought to myself that it was super cute!

    Your cake looks great to me! I can see how moving it would have been a big pain :)


  3. That just might possibly be the best cake ever! You have chocolate cake, chocolate candy bar.. AND Reese's Pieces! I think I will make this one.. although it might not be for Halloween..maybe a Fall cake! lol ;) Thanks for sharing!

  4. That is seriously ADORABLE! What a fun idea! I just love it! I think I might have to try to make one of those tomorrow! I hope I can stay motivated because that is so cute and I know my son would LOVE it : )

  5. Thanks! I was looking for the issue of Family Circle with that cake on the cover. I guess I waited too long to buy it because now the grocery store only carries the Nov. issues. We're on to Thanksgiving and Halloween is still two days away! You saved my Halloween party! Thank you.

  6. Wonderful post!..Cool idea..just think what a person can do with rounds!..lovely..wish i had kids at home to bake for! sigh!..:)

  7. That is unbelievable! I love the fact that the cake is covered with candies so that I could avoid the sagging frosting like I had yesterday!
