
Monday, November 23, 2009

Little People and Ninjas

Yesterday we put up Christmas allll over my house. And then I wrapped a million Christmas gifts. Even though I usually have all of my shopping done by Thanksgiving, I never wrap anything until Christmas week. So that was exciting.

And then I settled down for a couple hours and watched "Little Parents."

And decided that they were the little version of Jon and Kate. But with 7 fewer children.

AND I saw an infomercial on this. I don't watch infomercials. I turn them off. But I couldn't turn away from this...

I sooo want it. And if it's bought on the promo site, we get 2 for $60! Who wants to go in halfs with me??!!?? Hmm?!?!?!



    I admit. If I watch it, I need it. I do need a juicer. LOL

  2. I'm getting irritated with TLC, because they keep dragging out the Jon and Kate plus Eight ordeal.
    Just LET IT GO people!!
