
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Themes and Things

Our wedding gained a theme this week accidentally. Don't ask how it happened--I have no answer. Welcome to the theme.

Decided on the cake: 3 tier, and then 14 dozen cupcakes. They are cheaper than cake slices, but taste better than sheet cakes--plus I have a small cupcake obsession.


On the up and up, we've also gained a 16-pc set of pots and pans, a 12-serving set of silverware, and two other pans. Macy's had a sale. My grandma and mom enjoy bargain hunting for crap for us. I don't mind it, of course.

However, we have 2 showers and a 300 guest wedding worth of items to register for. And most likely a two-bedroom apartment to put them in. They should probably stop buying us things! :D

Christmas shopping yet? I am. Presents to go: 3 and a half. Everyone else is done. And I'm out of money, so it's a good thing!

Plus I ordered the bridesmaid gifts today!

Let me see that tootsie rollll....


  1. We're having a three-tiered and cupcakes, too! YEA!!!! Seriously so excited for the cake tasting :) What are you getting your BMs?

  2. Ohhhh my!!!! *dies of jealousy*

  3. Just remember, if you get waaay too much stuff that you don't need/can't use, you can return it for cash or a gift card--- your BESTest friends!
