
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Final Fantasies

I thought of that title before I wrote it down...and then I realized that it sounds more like a movie of continuous death than a week of finals. But, then I decided these finals could lead to death, so it may be appropriate anyway and kept it.

This is finals week. It's also final papers week. Personally, I think a class should have one or the other: a final paper, or a final exam. But, apparently the professors are not all of my side for this so most of my classes have both. And this week has gone as follows:

Sunday: Worked 9-4. Wrote 6 page research paper on Your Baby Can Read software vs. Linguistic Abilities. Accomplished zero studying, as paper took all night.

Monday: Worked 9-4. Went straight to campus. Studied for about an hour, ignored 250 definitions and 4 out of 6 chapters while doing so. Took linguistics final at 620. Got home about 845pm and started working on a Brit Lit paper.

Tuesday: Spent entire day writing 6 pages on the concept of chance in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Thanked sparknotes theme page. Turned in final at 615pm, returned home. Went to the mall to finish getting B's gifts from other people (the man will not buy the things he needs so he'll never be allowed to get cash as a gift).

Wednesday: Worked 830-330. Currently working on a 5 page paper about allegory in The Inferno (due 10am thursday). Really the easiest paper I'll have all week, but can't focus so instead I'm blogging. When completed, must study for the exam in Western Literature at 10am Thursday.

Thursday: Take exam at 10am in Western Lit and turn paper in. Drop by bank. Do take home final for Students with Exceptionalities. Study for in-class exam of Students with Exceptionalities.

Friday: Take Students with Exceptionalities final at 10am. Attend staff party at a place I don't work on the other side of town (:D), and work 3-930. Revise Linguistics final.

Saturday: work 10-5. SLEEP.

At some point, I have to sell my books back to the school for 10% of what I paid for them.

Needless to say, this week I HATE being an English major. Next semester? Zero English classes. Aha.

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