
Monday, January 25, 2010

Wiggity Whack.

(Now Part of Talk to Me Tuesday at TipJunkie)

I started my new teaching placement today. It's awesome. I love it already. Even though I haven't met my teacher, because he was absent today, the teacher I observed was awesome. I'm not much for these placements, to be honest...I feel like one+student teaching is sufficient, and that three+student teaching is way overkill, but so far I'm not anti this placement. Even though I get up at 5 to get there at 730. Because it's in another state, and a good 45min+ away. But hey...that's what caffeine is for.

I was kind of looking at my schedule for these next coming months, and...well, it's "fun"...ahem. Other than working, and weekend lake exposure starting the end of May-September, this is basically what my coming up schedule looks like:

March 6-14: Spring Break
March 7: Bridal Shower (my family)
March 14: Bridal Shower (B's family)
Last Week in March: Wyoming (tentative)
First Week in May: Exams.
May 15th: Wedding.
June 5th: Maine for Jay's graduation (...still tentative, as well)
June 6th-11th: New England Traveling, NYC, and others.
June 12th: Back home for B's Commissioning.
July: Start summer classes

And...I don't know how it happened...but it's looking like there's an attempt to go to Haiti sometime in the summer. I've somehow ended up working with a dean in my department at Devil U who had originally planned a trip to Haiti for March. I had spoken to her about it (wayy before the earthquake), and informed her there was no way I could afford to go, even though I would have loved too. This has not changed, and the trip was formally canceled, but she's talking to me about setting one up for the summer. I still can't afford to go, but should she decide to do this I'll be taking huge part in planning it. Should a ridiculous amount of fundraising be done, I'll attend--assuming it will fit into my insanity that is summer.

I actually don't mind being busy, in all honesty, but I'm assuming around the end of March/Early April I'll be ready to be done with the busy ;)

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you've got a lot on your plate the next month or so. How exciting! Personally, I like being busy. When I'm not - I tend to get really lazy and watch a lot of movies. {{shhh - don't tell}}

    I hope you're able to earn the cash to help out in Haiti. That would be such amazing opportunity to serve so many in need. Hugs!
