
Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I'm having song-picking-issues. I need advice.

Specifically? Father/Daughter dance songs. I'm having two of them: one with my stepfather because I want to, and one with my biological father because I don't feel like dealing with it if I don't dance with him.

But I'm having a serious issue finding a song to dance to with my biological father. We do not get along, and as much as it would be nice if it were, it's not just one of those things where we don't get along because we have conflicting personalities. It's more of an issue where, in the future, I'm 95% decided our kids will never be left alone with him. Needless to say, everytime I try to pick a song, the only things that come to mind are not nice songs.

So I need your help--any song. It doesn't have to be specifically father/daughter related, it can just be something nice. In fact, I'd really rather prefer it not be father/daughter specific. But when I look for suggestions online, all I can find are songs like "butterfly kisses" that are all mushy and...yea, I'd prefer the song not to lie completely haha!



  1. Well, you're a better woman than I am. I didn't even invite my biological father to my wedding. We haven't spoken in about 6 years, so that has a little bit to do with that too. =) But, my stepdad is Dad, so...yeah. A friend of mine played "Suds in the Bucket" by Sara Evans at her wedding for Father/Daughter dance. It was too cute!

  2. We're dancing to "My Wish" by Rascal Flats. We liked the words and the upbeat tempo. My dad and I are going to start dancing and then Kenny and his mom are going to join in halfway through...

  3. Maybe something by Priscilla Ahn or Michelle Featherstone? They both have some pretty songs...
    Good luck!

