
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Okay, who's sleeping on the top bunk?

Most people have their bachelorette party at a bar...or a collection of bars...but, then again, I've never claimed to be 'most people.' Nor have I ever claimed to enjoy being in a bar.

I have always been very straight forward about my hatred for cold weather, however. So, instead of a bar, we spent the day and night here:

Those of you who don't have one of these glorious things near your home, Great Wolf Lodge is a giant indoor water park. None of us had ever been there, and it was not cheap by any means, but it was absolutely worth every cent!

But, did we book an adult room? Pfft. That's for wieners. We book a "kids cabin." Complete with bunk beds, a real bed, a balcony, fireplace, two sinks, and nintendo.

We found it just a tad ridiculous that we couldn't get into our room until 4, but sucked it up and waited...or, rather, changed into our bathing suits in the parking lot while avoided awkward glances from strangers. It was amazingly nice outside, though, and after we got our room we stood on the balcony in said bathing suits and it wasn't even cold out...amazing.

Then we headed down to the waterpark. This place was AMAZING. Tons of waterslides, fun play areas, a "creep across the lilypads while holding onto a net and look like an idiot as an adult while doing so" section, and too many dumping water buckets to even count. There is one waterslide called the rollercoaster, that really runs like one, taking you up and down instead of the standard down, and is covered by a net to catch you when your tube flies off the slide. I may or may not have screamed like a small child on that.

We showered and headed down to dinner afterwards, where we were greeted with an hour wait and this giant wolf who somehow managed to hold my boob without me even noticing.

And almost all 9 of us had this gorgeous and delicious 32oz "meg-o-rita."

So of course it was time for twister, and to break out the henna tattoos.

But, all-in-all we were a pretty mild group, and not one hangover ensued the next day for my bridal shower! Have another shower this weekend, and I'll report on those together next week!


  1. It looks like you girls all had a blast!! I'm glad you did something you wanted to do for your party!

  2. That sounds like a blast!!! I'm a little jealous...and wish I could do something like that with a bunch of girls! =) Oh, and I want one of those meg-o-ritas. Sounds very yummy right now. =)

  3. Sounds like a great time! The Great Wolf Lodge is a fun place to go. :)

  4. My sister and her family were JUST there this weekend! She said they had an absolute blast.

    Glad you had fun-- that seriously sounds like the best bach. party EVER!!
