
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Nobody Loves Ya Like Ya Mum!

Do you remember this song? I don't have any idea where I heard it a few years ago, but I always end up with it stuck in my head around mothers day.

"Nobody ever loves ya like ya mum!
Everything we owe we owe to mum!
Even when she whacks ya on the bum!
Mum's the word and so the word is mum!
That's me mum!"

Well, my mom is pretty awesome. I can't tell you how awesome she is, because this post would never end. She raised me mostly as a single parent, she was there for every important moment in my life and has informed me that she will be invading every important moment in my life to come ;) She's a cancer survivor, a freaking awesome hostess, an amazing Nana, a kickass daughter, a caring sister, and a wonderful best friend.

She's my Mum. And I couldn't ask for any better.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

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