
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tales from the Land of Mrs.

Well, we finally made it down the aisle! Saturday was an absolutely perfect day--the only day out of the last ten--and counting--that it has NOT rained! It was sunny throughout the day and overcast for the ceremony and photos (overcast is perfect for photos!) and after our rehearsal dinner and the fireworks show the night before, we just couldn't have asked for anything better!

The ceremony went very well. All of our services for the ceremony and the reception were perfect and amazing! Except for the woman who did our ceremony music...she was pretty horrible...but we didn't really care that much ;) All the kids in the wedding did great! I was a little worried about our older flower girl (who is 3) because she was in B's sister's wedding last year and she didn't walk down the aisle. Not only did she walk, but she smiled for pictures. Brady, however, was a being a complete terrible-2's turd all day and smiled for nothing. BUT, she walked down the aisle too--and even held hands with the other girl all the way down!

I don't have many of the professional photos back yet, obviously, but will post with them as they start rolling in ;)

We have a couple candids that I love from our friends:

I love this one because we weren't posed. We were just genuinely happy and smiling together. This was at the reception, right before we were announced and we danced in under the saber arch. Brady, obviously, was displeased with the amount of noise coming from the room we were about to walk into. (sorry about the small pic size! I edited it in flickr, and couldn't figure out how to get it back off any bigger!)

And, of course, the cake!

For the record we did not smash it in each others faces. But we thought somebody needed to have cake on their face, so our maid of honour, matron of honour, and both best men got a nice face full ;)

B moved in here (with our PCS coming up so soon, we can't justify an apartment), and was awarded 1/4 of my closet--I have a lot more clothes than I thought I did haha! So far, married life has been great. There are a few adjustments that will happen with time, for example the "scoot over, you're totally on my side" "I'm about to fall off the edge!" "you're two feet from the edge!" "am not!" sleeping adjustment. But, we're pretty frickin' happy despite the normal hiccups!

And it'll only get better!

To those of you who just found me from the bloghop link: hi! Great to meet you! I'll be stopping by your blogs as well ;)


  1. Congratulations : ) Sounds perfect!

  2. Sounds amazing. Congrats!

    P.S you look absolutely stunning!!

  3. YEA!!!!! Congratulations fellow Newlywed!!! I can't wait to see more pictures and hear more about your day :)

  4. Conrgats! You're a beautiful bride!
    Where are you guys PCSing to?
