
Friday, June 11, 2010

Commissioning: What to Wear?

I'm roping you all in for help on this! On Sunday, the hubs is commissioning! It's really exciting for him, and I'm excited for him as well!

However, he knows what to wear ;) I don't. I asked one of our friends fiance what she was planning on wearing, and I quote "I went last year and most of the girlfriends had cute little sundresses on." This doesn't suprise me, because it's going to be in the 90's on Sunday (and raining, but we're pretending like that's not happening). So I went with this idea...and hope that the regulations for wife and girlfriend aren't different.

I actually planned on wearing a dress I already owned. But, apparently, "B has an air force event" really means "Via needs a new dress" to me...because I went to Kohl's for some shorts yesterday and after multiple hours, three cities, and two states I came home with two dresses and no shorts. And I might still end up wearing the one I already owned.

And now I can't decide which one to wear....which one do YOU think?





  1. I like the second one the best!

  2. I would pick number 2 or 3. I especially like # 2.

  3. I love the first one! It pops and it's classy because it doesn't cute too low. But I am bias because I love that material of the first one.

  4. I like the first one. It is very cute, but still a little conservative!

  5. Definitely #1. Classy and VERY cute. =)

  6. One! I love that type of neckline

  7. I vote for 1 or 2, but go with whichever is the most comfortable!

  8. I'll second numero uno o dos ^^

  9. Love the secind dress, although you will look super cute in all of them. My husband will be done with OCS in Nov, I cannot wait to attend the ceremony either!

    Musings of an Army Wife
