
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oo Honeymoon!

We booked our honeymoon a few weeks ago! Can you guess what we're doing? I'll give you one giant hint:

Oh gee, I'll just tell you. It's a Cruise! Haha. Ha. ....ha.

We're taking a cruise (Carnival, which probably is not what that ship above is from) from Florida to the Bahamas. It's 5 days (read: in our budget) and we dock at Nassau and Half Moon Cay (which is not on the below map).

We're going in August, leaving the day after my last summer class ends, and I'm ... incredibly excited. We're about to take off to the bitterly cold and boring west, so we decided to indulge in heat and a beach beforehand!

Definitely eager for this!


  1. My mother and I went to the bahamas two years ago. Its so amazing, you'll love it! Happy Honeymoon!!

  2. Um...can my husband and I join you? It'd be like a double honeymoon! No? It'd be awkward and you want your honeymoon to be just you two? Sigh. Fine.

    All kidding aside - you're going to have a fantastic time! I'm so jealous :) Do you have any excursions planned?

    Oh! And a tip: When we went to the Bahamas I got eaten alive by "no-see'ems," so get some bug spray that kills those suckers!
