I have definitely decided that if anyone ever tells you that they are planning on taking 10 credit hours full of literature and foreign language in one month, you should repeatedly smack them in the face with a smelly fish until they come to their senses. Logically speaking, I'm a pretty good student with a pretty good GPA and a fabulous knack for last minute papers full of nothing but well-phrased bs.
This summer month of classes is kicking my ass.
So here's a little post of what's been happening around here this month around classes and schoolwork:
Jess over at Jesstagirl and her Officer sent me these lovely peaches and cobbler mix for winning a give-away! I made the cobbler for July 4th and it was the easiest thing ever, and absolutely delicious! (Jess, I have a thank you card sitting on my desk stamped and ready to go for you...sans address, because I forgot to take it off the box before I tossed it. Please drop me an email and I'll send it out!)
We attended the last Brooks & Dunn tour :( B had a small conflict with the drunk idiots next to us, who thought it was okay to reach over and grab the back of my best friends shirt and attempt to dump alcohol down it. Uh uh, not cool--choice words were used and after awhile the drunkards decided weed was better and stopped talking to people around them. Concert was good, though.
We made the decision to stop "sharing" drinks with Brady. She now gets her own cup.
We discovered that 1lb of meat on Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza is about double as much as one can stand to eat.

And, lastly, we discovered that Brady's tendency to throw herself underwater last year at 18 months old in a 1 ft pool did not end last year. Now it's just in a bigger pool and with more emphasis. But at least she can swim!
I swear I'll be back soon!
I'm going to miss Brooks & Dunn :(
That looks DELICIOUS! So glad it worked out for you. I promise to email you my address ASAP. (I think I got your email during my week from hell, which is why it got pushed further and further down in my inbox!)
I hear you on the summer classes... my summer semesters were always the most intense.
Brooks and Dunn, how awesome!
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