
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bake-N-Blog: Banana Cupcakes with Maple Icing!

That's right! The time has come for the Bake-N-Blog, hosted by Jess over at Jesstagirl and her Officer! The cupcake recipes themselves come from Ming Makes Cupcakes.

For the Bake-N-Blog, I chose the Banana Cupcakes with Maple Brown Butter Frosting!

The ingredients were many...

And the mixes were not very attractive looking, seen here is the cupcake mix and the icing mix.

And I had some help from Little Man. He really enjoyed "mashing" the bananas. And then Gangsta's Paradise came on and, even though the song came out several years before he was born, he indulged in the fun and broke out in "gangsta dance."

After our gangsta break, we pulled the baked cakes out of the freezer and iced away.

All in all, they turned out really well. They tasted pretty much like banana bread with maple syrup icing.

At least, Little Man says they were good!

Another cupcake success :)


  1. the thumbs up that he's giving!

  2. Oh yum! Sometimes I just crave bananas, anything with bananas in it. Those look soooo good! I like that Little Man helped you out with these! Thanks for participating :)

  3. OMGoodness those look heavenly. I am now craving bananas!

  4. OMG this recipe looks absolutely delicious. I cannot wait to give it a try. Cupcakes are my new obsession and i love finding new recipes!
