
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Actual Update Say Whaa?

I know it's been awhile since I've made an actual life update instead of just pictures! But, this time, it's happening! In fact, I don't even have a picture for this post. Fact.

I got back to Ohio on December 27th and left my poor hubs at our new base wayyy out west. I started teaching again on January 3rd. I really do like teaching, but I've been to several different schools for my degree in the last couple years and, frankly, they were starting to make me hate it. This particular placement, however, is absolutely amazing. I have juniors and seniors, which is quite a different scene from the freshman and sophomores that I have had in the past, and I love it. Looove it. Plus, I have a pretty awesome teacher working with me this time, which is also a far cry from the usual.

B is lonely out in the middle of nowhere, but he really loves his job so it's not that horrible. He has some training about 10 hours from here in February and I have a 4 day weekend, so I'm going to head down and see him then. I think I'm also finally going to make the jump from my local cell phone service to Verizon so we're on the same phone plan.

Question: Droid Incredible--yay or nay?

I haven't been too super busy lately as I have no classes this semester and I only work my part-time job on the weekends. I'm not used to not being busy. I'm not sure how to handle it--I was bored within 30 minutes of waking up today.

Fortunately, this is a pattern that looks like it's going to continue for awhile. The last couple years I feel like everything I've done, I've done super quick. Last year I had to hurry up and get all my finals done in May, because our wedding was that weekend. The morning after I finished doing 10 credit hours in 5 weeks last summer we left for our honeymoon. The morning after I finished taking all my finals early in December, we left to move 18 hours away. It's been go-go-go.

But, this summer, I have nothing to do. It's just me and work, and some glorious weekends at the lake! B will be at a training, so I'll visit once or twice, but other than that...I have nothing until August.

I hope I don't go stir crazy!

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