
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Car Shopping is for the.......Humans

I'm finally doing some serious car shopping! After my failed Cash for Clunkers attempt where I decided on a Saturday to trade my car in for a new, tiny one and then they decided Saturday night to end the cash for clunkers deal a couple years ago...B and I have finally decided (well, with the Air Force and the 18 hours my car has to go to get to our new home) that it's time to get a new car for me.

Hopefully, my car will hold on until May/June-ish, and I'll be getting one then. But, I've been doing some serious research and I've narrowed it down to two vehicles that are highly similar that are both 2 wheel drive, automatic, 4-cylinder, small suvs. Only difference is about $3,000--however, one is a little bigger than the other so the difference makes sense. I'm going to try to test drive both in the next couple weeks.

The nominees are:

Toyota RAV4 (yes, this color)


Hyundai Tuscon (yes, this color)



  1. The Hyundai looks like it has more room, but the Rav4 just looks awesome. LOL Good luck with choosing.

  2. They're both very sexy cars, and you chose a nice color, too. They both seem like good finds, but if you're having trouble choosing between the two maybe you should ask yourself if you need that extra space. Maybe that would help.
