
Friday, March 20, 2009

Meant for Me, This Dress Was.

( you see the new background? And does it look huge to you? I swear I followed the directions, but it looks oversized to me...)

That's right! I went on Monday to Dillard's (which I try to avoid at all costs, but they tend to have more gowns that look less like a crayon thrown up all over them than most other stores) and found a Dining Out dress! Please excuse the excessive italics used to show dramatic effect in the following paragraph..

I walked in, and I saw it from afar like we were long lost lovers. It was the only one in that style. And I walked over with Angelica and I said "It's probably like a size four, as if anyone can actually wear that size." No, no. I checked, and double checked, and triple checked and it was my size! Plus it had the magic tag on it: the 70% off tag. And then I thought 'well, it couldn't possibly look good on me, it's meant for boobless women.' But just for kicks, I took it into the dressing room and tried it on--figured I might as well start out my gown search with a real loser. Well, lo and behold, sucker had a built in bra! So I bought it. And I love it :D

I won't lie, I did alter the front a little. Because it is meant for those random boobless women (who I despise, just for the record) and I felt it was slightly too much of the cleavage for a formal military night, so I closed the front up just a little bit. It even has a little trail in the back that's amazing (which means I'll be tripping over it all evening, but I still have unconditional love for it). Of course, I'll post pictures afterwards!

Moving on...

It was 70 degrees and gorgeous for a few days here this week! I am so happy in the heat. Sooo happy. I'm pretty sure if I had any kind of disorder (or syndrome or whatever they are calling them these days to avoid calling them "pleaseplaceyourselfintoastraightjacketimmediatelydisease") it would be that seasonal thing where certain seasons are depressing. I mean, I could win the lottery on a day when it's 5 degrees outside and still not be as happy as I would without the lottery on the first 70 degree day of spring. It's sad, but true.

Also, lost and I removed the program from my computer. However, I'm impatient and want to remake the background (which did not save, by the way), so I might give it another go tonight or tomorrow. Might. ;)


  1. Oooh that is lovely!! I usually dislike Dillards, but I have always had really random great luck in their dress department. As in, only one left, fits like a charm and is a billion percent off. You just have to dig through a lot of trash first, ha!

    That dress is gorgeous and very flattering. Of course it would look ridiculous on me because I am one of those boobless chicks :) I would probably have to duct tape the top on!

  2. Boobless women! HAHAHA. Pretty dress!

  3. The dress is gorgeous! And so is the background. ;)

  4. So, I still love the background! And the dress! And will demand pictures as soon as I hear wind of it being worn. *nods*

  5. Okay, Yoda. But I do agree, that dress is gorgeous!

  6. Pretty dress! I love black and white. It always looks so classic and elegant.
