
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Technology Wins Again

I was introduced to this fabulous knockoff, free photoshop-like program called today from I have never used photoshop, I have never used gimp, I have never used anything for anything other than Microsoft Paint and the Kodak picture editor program that came with my digicam four years ago.

So, after spending an hour pretending to learn what the crap I was doing on, my Norton Security Scan decided to run. It has never, ever run before...three years, not one scan. Instant freezage of the program.

I spent another hour trying to finish the background I was making by making one movement every five minutes, when it decided to unfreeze to let me anyway. Failure. I finally just shut it down when I got home a half an hour ago. I'm hoping it saved, but I'm not crossing my fingers. It's a shame, too. It was an adorable background I made using a kit from Tony's Mama Designs.

Although I suppose it's just as well, as I have no idea what I'm doing and it probably wouldn't have worked anyway. I need teknulogy edumacation.

P.S. If you are reading this and the background is actually different than it was before, I regained some patience and fixed it :) Or killed it...depending on what you see...


  1. It's not, but good luck with Norton! (I speak as a fellow technology challenged person.)

  2. Good luck with that!
