
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

No Job+Procrastination=Daily Blogging, Apparently.

Yes, apparently, this is a hearty combination that results in daily blogging. Are you excited? Because everyone knows my endless babbling is not enough every other day. :]

I am leaving on Thursday morning and heading to the Land O' Lobster to spend the remained of the week/weekend with my best friend. Distance? Yea, it sucks. So I'm fixing it. I will be flying out of an airport about an hour from here at 615am. Yes, you did hear me right. I know what you are thinking: 615am flight, have to get there two hours early: 415am, have to drive an hour first: 315am, have to get up and shower before departure: 215am. Right. TWO FIFTEEN AM. I'll add this to the list of things I should think about before booking a flight on impulse next time.

B is also headed to Delaware tomorrow for a base visit. Yea, we definitely planned this, because the Air Force always tells B exactly what's going on ahead of time so we know how to plan. (Sarcasm: just another service I offer.)

The list of things I must accomplish before leaving continues to grew daily:
-Write 6-8 page Shakespeare paper (due Wednesday. So far? 3 sentences)
-Do 9 loads of laundry (I have wayyy too many clothes...but it was nice during dorm days)
-Write a 5-7minute speech about the color yellow
-Fill out two scholarship applications, including 500 word essay.
-Do Art worksheet
-Attend Job Expo (Tuesday)
-Borrow a book from the shop for the trip. (believe it or not, totally legal)
-And, of course, pack. And the list will be longer tomorrow.

I was so close to a job today it was scary. It's a 1-7, M-F position at a daycare with infants and/or preschool kids. But, I have a stupid Shakespeare class until 315 on M-W, so I'd have to give up 2/5 days and she needed someone all five. Told me to call if anything 'changes' know, like if my professor suddenly dies or decides to impulsively buy a plane ticket somewhere far from here and not come back. But as I was complaining about this, one of my friends showed me this and it made me incredibly happy (it's worth the entire 1:25, please ignore the random language caption):

I had hoped to have the Huichol project done before I left, but I don't see me having the time, unfortunately. It currently is stuck at this point (excuse the crappy cellphone pic again, because I can't seem to find my camera USB cord, it's much cooler in person/on a real camera):

I'm sure you'll hear from me again before I depart :)


  1. You have to write a speech about the color yellow? hum.

    What are you studying?

  2. Ah, I remember the nine loads of laundry days. In my case, last week!



  3. How does one write about a color for that long?

  4. This article makes me think of this quote, "Seasonal unemployment was found to be a state which does not have much employment, for example, rural areas."

    But there are career experts who conduct seminars giving concrete advice about the needed skills to compete in today's competitive job market.
