
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Omega Quadrant? Lame, but holds an Interview!

I actually got a ton of stuff done today very early. Still only 1 of 6-8 pages written for my Shakespeare paper due tomorrow...but hey, 5 for 6 ain't bad. Does anyone else feel like a failure if they don't get up before 9 in the morning? I always feel like I've wasted half the day if I get up at 930 instead of 845.

POST EDIT SECTION: I just got an interview! For tomorrow at the daycare center that I thought I had lost the job at yesterday, because she called me back thinking she hadn't called me yesterday. 4pm tomorrow. I may have let her think that I could get there, no doubt, by 1pm t-th-fr when really it'd be more like 115pm, and that I was an early childhood ed major instead of secondary. But hey, I got the

But some funnies!

First, you need to go see Monsters vs. Aliens. B and I went and saw it in 3D this week and it was HILARIOUS. There was so much adult humour in it that I have no idea how kids laughed at anything. It was amazing. Plus you get to wear these nifty glasses:

The Vietnamese woman who does my moms nails, whose name is Nikki, had this conversation with my mom yesterday about my cousin:

Nikki: You have niece who come here.
Mom: *blink blink*
Nikki: You niece, she come here. (not her real name but we'll say) Her name Patty.
Mom: Oh, does she? Yea, she's my niece.
*long pause*
Nikki: She kinda....different.

Nikki then got all embarrassed like she said something wrong as my mom busted out laughing. Patty is not one we speak highly of, and it's good to know that people who don't know her feel the same way :] and very funny!

Tax time at my parents house:

Mom: How much do we owe this year?
Dad: Actually, we're getting something back.
Mom: *long pause* Oh God, we're going to jail.

And this just plain scares me, as it was a grown woman and mother who said it:

"All my friends say they love Edward Cullen but I'm like, no that's stupid. I love Robert Pattinson because he's real."

...because having a love obsession with a fictional character is much better than a real obsession with a teen actor because of the fictional character he plays. And both are completely normal. ...I will be shipping a straight jacket her way immediately.

Moving on to the Expo.

Most the companies there were for full-time, graduate position as I figured they would be. But a couple weren't...and if any of them call or are within like a half hour from here I'll take them but I'm not holding my breath. And I definitely did not grab more information on the Peace Corps than any actual job, either, nor am I considering putting all my effort into volunteering for Big Brothers Big Sisters instead of getting a paying job. Because, why in the world would I do that?

I did get to wear a fabulous jacket today, though...

This is me dressed up. not really my thing. I'm more of a Target and Kohl's shopper than pricey brand name shopping (and by "more of" I mean I don't buy pricey brand name things). In fact, that's not even my jacket. It's my moms. And three sizes too big for me. Boots and jeans? Mine. Did the heels come off the instant I got home? Absolutely.

I'll probably post again tomorrow before I leave, but I fully intend on leaving the computer here while I'm gone so I'll be around on your blogs but probably won't post much on here :D (Of course that does means I'm loading you up with enough to hold you over beforehand).

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I miss the movies! We have a one screen theater here on post. I could go off post but then I would be watching all these movies in Italian!
