
Sunday, April 19, 2009

If Things Would Have Gone As Planned...

...I would be showing you all a small selection of the upwards of 50 photos we took on the way to and in Gatlinburg yesterday. I would be dishing about how we surprised the yacht club with our crash, and how awesome their faces were, and how beautiful the view from the 8-bedroom cabin on top of a mountain was. You would love it.

However, things did not go as planned and I do not feel right posting pictures here on this entry today.

We did go to Gatlinburg. We did crash the party. We did have a ton of fun. But we also got a call at 10pm Saturday night informing us that one of the yacht club kids (my generation) had died unexpectedly. Early thirties, three kids, had just gotten re-engaged a few hours before a friend found him on his bedroom floor not breathing and they were unable to revive him.

It's an eerie feeling, as the last time we were all together for a big party/get together we lost TJ & Stephanie in the hurricane. Now Eric. It would be putting it nicely to say it pisses me off.

So I will not be putting pictures in this post. I will only be asking you to keep Eric's parents, son, daughters, fiance, and friends in your thoughts.

I will do a picture post another day. I am sick (again, and more than a cold this time as my eyes refuse to focus on this screen without shaking) but hopefully will get to it at some point in the next couple days around school, work, and the funeral.

And because I know you all are amazing, thank you ahead of time.


  1. Oh my gosh, I am so very sorry for your loss. I am praying for them...and for you.

  2. So sorry about all thats happened! Will be thinking of ya'll

  3. I'm so sorry for your and your friends loss. Life is never fair, but this time it really isn't.

  4. That's so very sad... his poor children and fiance :(
