
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Late with Eight

Thanks for the congratulations, all! Info on the night coming soon...

=] Bandwagon jumper!

8 Things...

8 Things I Look Forward To...
#1.) Weekends
#2.) The first lake trip of the year next weekend!
#3.) Finishing some point...when I'm elderly.
#4.) Finding out where we will be stationed.
#5.) Getting a puppy (immediately after being stationed, I'm assuming, says B)
#6.) Summer temperatures :)
#7.) A new car one of these days where the air conditioning and the heating actually both work at the same time
#8.) The day they release the entire series of Boy Meets World to DVD

8 Things I Did Yesterday
#1.) Took a Speech exam
#2.) Went to krogers to buy a card for my dad's birthday, came out with 3 movies.
#3.) Wendy's for lunch
#4.) Turned in 9page Shakespeare paper
#5.) Went to work
#6.) Cleaned out my desk
#7.) Organized all the paperwork from this year
#8.) Had beef stew. And disliked it.

8 Things I Love
#1.) Puppies
#2.) B
#3.) Flip-flops
#4.) Photography
#5.) Marisa de los Santos novel's
#6.) County/City festivals
#7.) Yard sales
#8.) Sunshine

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
#1.) Afford a nice camera.
#2.) Have self-control when it comes to fatty food.
#3.) Look great in leggings
#4.) Take a trip to SanFran
#5.) Magically be done with school
#6.) Get paid for doing nothing
#7.) Have an orange creamsicle
#8.) Think of something else to say here.

8 Shows I watch:
#1.) Grey's Anatomy
#2.) One Tree Hill
#3.) Will & Grace
#4.) Ellen
#5.) Gilmore Girls
#6.) Army Wives
#7.) A Baby Story
#8.) Jon & Kate Plus 8 (you know this had to go in the 8th spot)

Humour me and do it!

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