
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Writer's Workshop: Do You Want a Baby?

I've decided to do Writer's Workshop (Hosted by Mama Kat) for the first time ever today, because this is kind of a fun topic that actually came up last night. And I swear I will eventually tell you how the night went, but you have to understand that when 928394109 people ask "how did he do it?" in five days I get very tired of telling it, especially when it's really not all that glamorous. So keep your britches on, it's coming!

But onto Writer's Workshop: Babies.

I thought this was kind of funny because babies are actually a really big topic with me and B. We both love kids--especially little kids--and Baby B (although she spends wayy more time with just me) likes B almost more than she likes me. But, because I'm working in a room with 10-18 month olds five days a week, and work is a big topic for small talk, babies are always flying around in the air (not because I'm throwing them, just to make that real clear here).

In fact, last night, I was talking about how I actually missed the kids in my room when I wasn't there on Tuesday. When I go back after a day or weekend not with them, I immediately have five kids under my feet wanting to be held. And unless I plan on staying there for a while, I can't sit on the ground in the classroom because five other kids will be on my lap within seconds. And as relieved as I am to have just sent the two biters of the classroom to the next room up this week, I already miss their little tails. This age is just the best: learning to stand and walk, learning to talk some, developing their own personalities--it's just awesome. So I said to B, "You know, sometimes they drive me nuts, but I always miss them." And he said, "I guess you're ready to be a mom, then."

Normal men don't say things like this because they are afraid that it will spark the "yea, hey, let's have one right now" conversation, but it doesn't with us. The really funny thing is that we were at Target later on last night and B sat down in the nursery rocking chair and goes "I love these chairs." And I mean it's set up on the endcap with a changing table and crib, so it's not like it wasn't obvious, so I comment on how much I like the furniture and we get talking about bassinets and fun baby things and yaddayadda and it's just what we do. Seriously, though...have you seen these 4-in-1 converter cribs? How AWESOME are they?? Crib, toddler bed, daybed, AND fullsize bed? Talk about lifetime furniture for $250!

But anyway, back to babies. I love babies, I want babies. I want to have 2, and I want to adopt one. I would really like to have either 1 boy and 1 girl or 2 boys and adopt a girl from China, because their orphanages are always overflowing with little girls that need homes. And B wants three too, so that's pretty much settled. However, this will not happen for awhile...even after we're married. In my family, it's the fun thing to do to have a kid/be pregnant and THEN get married. Even my mom was pregnant when she married my father (erm, we see how well that worked out three years later at the court hearing haha), and no one in my generation in my family has done the marriage then baby order. I want to, and will. B has officially requested that we get a puppy immediately, which is fine, because I love dogs. He's also requested that we wait until he's made Captain to have kids so that he can be around more. Which I think I'm okay with (we'll see around year two/three how bad I'm itching for it).

So anyway, that's the plan. Of course, this is not to say that I don't already have exactly how I'm going to paint the nursery planned out in my head. And this is not to say that my children don't already have names. It's just to say that you shouldn't expect a "hey I'm pregnant!" post from me in a looong time :)


  1. Good luck with your plans. I love the bed idea.

    A child will forever change your ready!

  2. I too love kids and I do have the want for one now but I'm trying really hard to stick with our plans of waiting until about 2011 before we start trying. Good luck with your plans!

  3. This was such a sweet post : ). I love those beds too! SO cool! I am definitely getting one for my baby : ). If I ever get a baby. I just can't seem to talk my husband into it.

  4. I think it's great that you want to adopt a baby girl from China! My best friend talks about doing that all the time. :)

  5. Well you have a lot more figured out than we do!

    When people ask us (and somehow people are ALWAYS asking us when/if we want kids and our response is always, "Yes we want them....EVENTUALLY". And then *R* tries to throw in a "no more than two" clause....

    Still excited to hear how it all happened!

  6. i want kids, we both want kids. i think i just want two though. i think it's great you want to adopt though. there are so many babies out there that need a wonderful, caring home.

  7. Hi, stopping by from Mama Kat's. I love your writing easy and fun to read. It sounds to me like you and 'B' are a good match with similar goals. That is so awesome that you can hang out together and talk babies without all that pressure of when!

  8. my daughter has that crib!!!! BEST crib ever!!! our family keeps asking when we are going to have our next one...and we keep saying eventually...we are doing good to figure out how life works with one!
