
Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Belated Kwanzaa

...Hanukkah and Christmas. It seems like it's been forever since I've posted anything. Also...I have to say that I found it funny that like 3% of bloggers make posts on Saturdays, but 85% of bloggers posted on Christmas. Awesome.

Christmas around here was awesome. I got a new camera, which was exactly what I wanted, and it is AMAZING. It's a bit slow on the action shots, so most of the pictures I took of Brady on Christmas were a bit blurry. But the focus on this thing makes me want to kiss a frog. Check out this picture focus:

It doesn't get much better than that with a point and shoot camera.

B and I were also granted a Wii. I have since kicked his butt in every WiiSports game and WiiPlay game. I bought The Biggest Loser the other day, but haven't tried it out yet. I love Wii.

B was the proud recipient of a PSP (from yours truly) and a point and shoot camera from my parents--he's needed one because all he has now is an SLR and that's hard (and risky) to lug around all the time. He also got some clothes. Because he needs some, and he won't buy himself anything, so I took the money other people were going to spend on him and bought clothes with it. He loves them, and my honey is lookin' good.

Brady got a powered "quad" from her Nana and "Gupa" and slammed into things around the house with it, loving every second of it. She ran into the couch and promptly demanded "move da couch!"

B's mom also granted all of her kids and her kids significant others marshmallow guns. And spent a good half hour cleaning mini marshmallows out of the corners of her living room ;)

Tomorrow though? Tomorrow is my birthday! And it's also Brady's birthday--because putting that much awesome on two different days wouldn't really be fair to the rest of the world. She'll be 2 and I...won't...and we're be celebrating!

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