
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Oh la Birthday!

Yesterday was my birthday! And Brady's, too. I don't usually make a big deal out of birthdays, mostly because my birthday is so close to Christmas that I've never really been able too, but it's just not that big of a deal for me.

So yesterday my best friend and I went a ran a few errands/went shopping, and then B and I went to dinner... Texas Roadhouse.

Then we headed downtown. During the winter, there is an ice rink set up downtown in the middle of everything in our version of "times square". It was a swell idea...

...until we noticed that the sign said "admission closes 1 hr prior to rink closing." The rink closed at 10, and we got there at 8:50 and didn't get in.

So we took a few pictures of the things around us in the square...

...and went home. Ha!

But it was a good birthday. B got me some roses and an Everlon Diamond Knot necklace (that I told him I loved, but didn't want him to get when it wasn't on sale and it wasn' apparently think you aren't being serious when you say that haha). It was a lovely day, and tomorrow is new years eve so good times are still a-comin!

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday!! I feel you. My birthday is close to Christmas too, so usually it doesn't seem like it's that big of a deal. I'm glad you had a good one :)
