
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Done, Check, Next?

Things have been super busy around here, and I know I haven't done an update post on the wedding plans for awhile. I will say, though, planning a wedding takes a lot more effort than I ever would have imagined.

And can I just say that I don't understand why people think I should be nervous? Every time people ask when the wedding is, I say "about a month away now," and they immediately go "Ooo, close. Are you getting nervous?" No. I'm not nervous. I'm marrying my best friend. Why the crap would I be nervous? But, I usually take the polite way out and answer with a "no, I don't have time to be nervous!" Which is true!

The only thing I'm really nervous about at all is that I'm not going to be the one in charge. I know that sounds "i'm a control freak"-ish, but I trust myself to do things more than I trust others to do things haha! B is always saying "I can help you with stuff!" but...well, I mean when we did the save the dates I had him put a few of the mailing address labels on the envelopes, and they were so sideways that "straight" wasn't even in it's vocabulary. So, I'm like "hmm, thanks baby, but uh...I'm doing fine" haha. The biggest reason I like to do everything myself is mostly because if I screw it up, I can only blame myself. I can get over blaming myself a lot quicker than someone else screwing it up. I know, I'm nuts.

So what has gotten done lately?

The girls flowers as well as ordering the flowers for the church.

Favors and Pew Bows.

Hair picked, and trial run done (PS. This girl is not me, just FYI. I showed this to my Grandma and said "this is how I'm doing my hair for the wedding." She said "I like that. Your face isn't going to look like this, is it?" I replied, lovingly, with "No gram, I think I'll wear my own face that day.")

All reception songs chosen.
All readings chosen.
All readers chosen, notified, accepted.
All bridal party gifts purchased.
Pre-Cana attended.
FOCCUS meeting with priest accomplished.
B's passport attained.
Rehearsal dinner booked and invites sent out.

Up next:
Meeting with the music lady at the church.
Obtain marriage license.
Meet with wedding coordinator at church.
Construct programs for ceremony.
Purchase/Choose parent gifts (Any ideas here?)
Finalize things with photographer and DJ.
Pay remainder for photobooth.
Purchase video camera.
And have final two dress fittings. I was supposed to go to the "month before" fitting today, but the seamstress called and I guess something happened involving her car, purse, and store keys so it's rescheduled for tomorrow!


Also, I apologize for any ridiculous typos in this entry! The backlight on my computer went out, so I'm using a desklamp to see the screen and it's not working too well! It's a really funny sight to see, though! ;)


  1. Wow...that's a lot!!! I hated when people asked me if I was nervous too. I had no reason to be nervous. Even on wedding day, I was totally chill. One of my friends told me she thought it was cool that I was acting so normal. I wasn't nervous until like 10 mins before and that was bc I was going to be in front of a lot of people. =)

  2. You're getting so close!!

    Yes, I got so sick of people asking if I was nervous. They started doing it at the six month mark.
