
Monday, April 19, 2010

Nashville: Where they keep the horse caves.

B and I often have conversations about the smallest things that go on way longer than they ever should. So, when we were driving through Kentucky on our way to Nashville, we passed a sign for Horse Cave...

Me: "Hmm. Horse cave honey, should we go?"
B: "I wonder if it's a cave shaped like a horse of a cave big enough to fit a horse in?"
Me: "I'm wondering if it's an actual cave or if it's the name of the city."
B: "It might be the name of the city, but I bet there was at one point a cave called Horse Cave there."
Me: "Probably!"
B: "Maybe that's just what they call barns."

Hahahaha. So now everytime we pass a barn, we go "Look! A horse cave!" Nashville!

We stayed in a pretty nice hotel across the street from Opryland, about a mile from Opry Mills mall. So, of course, our first order of business was shopping! We met this 'little' guy in bass pro...

But Friday night we headed downtown to BB Kings Blues Club, which is an absolutely amazing place. B loved it too!

Then dropped into the "world famous" Wildhorse Saloon!

Saturday we ate lunch at the Aquarium restaurant in Opry Mills

Then headed down the Centennial Park, where we discovered a huge earth day festival. But, we were really there to see the worlds only replica of the Parthenon! Which is amazing! Did I ever tell you I have a tattoo that says "Athena" in ancient greek? Because I do. Parthenon=rocks.

And, all in all, it was a great weekend! Definitely well spent :)

Again, I'm still without backlight, so I apologize if I have a billion typos or these pictures suck a lot. I can't see them haha! It's definitely new computer time for me!

1 comment:

  1. YAY Nashville :)

    Even if we are under water right now...
