
Monday, May 7, 2012

10 Signs You Might be Ready for a Baby

A few signs you/we might be ready for a baby...or at least it wouldn't change our lives much.

1. You both have a photo of your dog as the screen saver on your phone.
2. All plans you make are made with the consideration of whether or not you can bring your dog.
3. Your only friends are friends with dogs, and when you hang out you bring you dog.
4. Your friends with dogs are having babies.
5. Sleeping in is a foreign concept to you anyway because you are worried that your dog has to pee.
6. You managed to make it through the puppy months of getting up every 2-3 hours at night without killing each other.
7. When you wake up in the middle of the night, you lay awake for a minute and listen for the dog in case she's also awake.
8. You post more photos of your puppy on facebook than of anything else. The amount of dog photos may or may not exceed the amount of photos your friends post of their babies.
9. The amount you talk about your dog to your friends and family is starting to alarm them.
10. The amount you talk about your dog to your friends and family is starting to alarm you.

Mmhmm. I do think we're getting there.


  1. I love this! We are a good 9 out of 10 on that list! lol. Very cute! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Tooo funny ... Sounds like me. Posting more photos of your pets on your facebook!

  3. Cute! I can identify with most of these!
