
Friday, May 11, 2012

Military Spouse BlogHop!

It's Military Spouse Appreciation Day!

Let's face's always nice to have some appreciation! :D

In honor of this glorious event, Household 6 Diva and Riding the Roller Coaster are hosting a BlogHop! I LOVE BlogHops! They hook you up with so many interesting people that you might otherwise never meet!

Join, won't you?

My name is Meg and I am in my second year of being an Air Force Wife. My husband, who is a security forces officer, and I moved to our first duty station in Dec 2010. We said "send us to Georgia!" and the Air Force said "here's the least populated state instead!" We are originally from Ohio, so the climate and the general demographic here is completely different than what we're used to, but we're pretty used to it by now.

I am an English teacher. I am not currently teaching, but I am a teacher. (Did you know it's also Teacher Appreciation Week? Because it is. I will take one apple, thank you.) Jobs here are hard to find, so I'm currently subbing in our district. I'm also a court appointed advocate for kids involved in neglect and abuse cases in the county, and my husband and I foster dogs on a regular basis.

You'll also find that, here on the blog, I do a LOT of baking and a LOT of DIY home decor. Since moving out here, my options for places to find specific things for my house that I want have slimmed to pretty much Walmart and Big Lots (more stores would require an actual population). Neither of these places is typically able to satisfy the image in my head, so I just end up doing it myself. Sometimes I come up with it on my own...sometimes (okay, most times) Pinterest advises me.

We don't have any kids (yet), but we do have an incredibly spoiled puppy. Cleo is a 9 month old Aussie Shepherd/Cattle Dog mix...we think. Whatever she is, it's a great mix and she's is a fantastic puppy--we couldn't ask for a better one!

I'm so pleased to meet ya!


  1. New follower from the bog hop! I look forward to DIY home decor posts. I always enjoy that sort of thing.

  2. Happy MilSpouse Appreciation Day :)

  3. Stopping by from the blog hop. :)

    Happy Milspouse Appreciation Day!

  4. Happy (belated) milspouse day AND happy teacher appreciation week :) I love that "EAT" decor!

  5. Just stopping by from the Blog Hop! I love your "Eat" decor! DIY can be so much fun. I look forward to seeing more of your blog!

  6. Hi! I'm here from the blog hop. I am originally from OH as well.

  7. I just discovered your blog. During our first duty station, I couldn't find a secondary education teaching job for the life of me so I fell into the field of instructional design/training and earned my masters. Over 7 years later, I still haven't set foot in a high school classroom. I now instruct on post for a community college. It's funny how the military can impact career paths but I wouldn't have it any other way!

  8. Hi! I am a little late from the BlogHop. It was nice to meet you! So Happy belated military spouse appreciation day!! Amanda
