
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mission: Avocado

Here in the last few months, my face has suddenly decided that it wants to be 15. Which is especially annoying because...well, it didn't act this way when it was 15. I mean, logically speaking, it's not horrible...but it's been better.

A few weeks ago I was talking to my best friend and she suggested eating an avocado everyday. The same week, randomly, one of my co-workers mentioned that he eats a lot of avocadoes and that's why his hair was so soft. So I thought hey...why not?

And I bought an avocado.

And it tasted like crap.

I tried to add salt and pepper. No luck. Honestly the first...five-ish bites weren't that bad. But after that I just couldn't go on. But, in an attempt to force myself to like avocado, I continued with my quest.

I moved on to avocado smoothies.

This seemed like a fabulous idea. I could cover up the avocado and taste something I actually liked, and just drink it so I didn't have to taste the weird consistency. I tried an apple avocado smoothie first (apple+1/2avo+applejuice+ice+mint). Failure. Then I went for the banana smoothie (bananer+1/2avo+nutmeg+cinnamon+milk+orangejuice). This one wasn't horrible...for the first few swigs.

It seems that during this process I forgot something crucial: I don't like smoothies.

However, I refuse to give up. I will make something with the stupid avocado and be healthy was shiny hair and a pretty face.

I will.


Paula said...

Guacamole!!! I'm not a huge avacado eater, but I love guacamole, at least the good stuff. I make my own and it's delish.

Bekah said...

I'll second Paula on that! It's so easy, too. Mash up the avocado, throw in some salsa (any kind will do - I usually use hot salsa, but uh, that's me), mix to taste, add lemon juice if desired, which i never do. Because growing up, my grandmother would make it with more lemon (or lime) juice than anything else. Devour with chips. I prefer tortilla chips, but that's me (and my pacific south west tendencies).

Anonymous said...

I just got onto an avocado kick this week:)

As the other two said, the yummiest way to eat avocado is guacamole:) You can make it from scratch or pick up a mix to put in with the mashed avocado.

I've been putting avocado on my turkey sandwiches...this too is really yummy!!

I just found your blog, I'm excited to get to know you!:)